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This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin

Subject:HistoryPrice: Bought3

This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin.Instructions

Today Americans see profound tensions between the revolutionary ideals of liberty and equality from the time of the American Revolution (Yawp Chapter 5) through the Jacksonian era (Yawp Chapter 9). Did Americans living during the 1780s through the 1830s see these tensions? You will answer this question by choosing three factors you believe best explain your understanding of tensions associated with the historical moment from the list below:

• Geographical differences• Laws• Political leaderships• Commercial and Economic goals• Ideas about ethnicity and race• Social class divisions


Attach your essay in Exam 2 online learning platform (D2L) as a word document. 

This is an open book formal written collegiate level exam dealing with all material covered in American Yawp Chapters 5-9, the primary source readers corresponding to each chapter.

Format: • Double Spaced• Save and submitted as a Word doc• 12 point font• 1” margins (left/right; top/bottom)• Avoid grammar/spelling errors; no contractions in a formal paper• Each theme of the question must have AT LEAST 3 footnoted citations; more sources coming from primary sources reflect a higher level of analysis and may earn a higher score.• All submissions will go through plagiarism software, so proceed carefully.

Plagiarism will not be tolerated. To avoid this only use materials from the class AND cite any direct quotes, just as you have been practicing throughout discussions this semester. Failure to adhere to this could result in receiving a F for the course. At the very least, anyone found plagiarizing other works will earn in a zero for the exam and evidence will be reported to the department and Deans of the respective departments. I certainly expect you to use materials from the course BUT failure to cite where you get the information and choosing to insert ideas into your exam as if it is your own words is academic dishonesty. When quoting the textbook, sources, or films avoid multiple line quotes; select only what is most useful from a source to prove your argument. Be smart, use your own amazing brain and you can easily avoid academic dishonesty, all together.


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