question archive Rewrite the following sentences in the active voice

Rewrite the following sentences in the active voice

Subject:EnglishPrice: Bought3

Rewrite the following sentences in the active voice.   

1) The corrupt politician was voted out of office after only one term by his angry constituents.

2) The statue of Lady Gaga was carved by a young Korean artist, according to my guidebook.

3) The explosions were caused by a hydro-vault fire, officials said yesterday.

4)There are broken wineglasses and torn streamers strewn all over the living room floor.

5) The traffic in that intersection has been directed by the police officer for more than two hours!


Complete the sentences with an appropriate preposition or conjunction. Use the space provided to write the preposition or conjunction.     


1) We ran __________ the burning building to the safety of the parking lot.

2) Khashayar had to choose __________ risking his own health and letting his friend down.

3) I always like to take a quick nap _________ the rest of the family has gone out for a walk.

4) The delicious birthday cake was divided evenly _________ all my friends.

5) The dog was timid and dirty, _______ I still wanted to adopt her.


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