question archive Identify compound verb forms- perfect and progressive by name the form of each of the italicized main verb phrases in the following sentences

Identify compound verb forms- perfect and progressive by name the form of each of the italicized main verb phrases in the following sentences

Subject:EnglishPrice:2.87 Bought7

Identify compound verb forms- perfect and progressive by name the form of each of the italicized main verb phrases in the following sentences. Break each into its underlying structure. simple present, simple past, future time, present, past, future progressive, present, past, future perfect progressive.


Woody Allen will be appearing at the film festival next spring.

  • will be appearing: future progressive form; present + will + BE + {-ing} + appear
  1. EcoVillages, ecologically friendly communities, are spreading throughout the country.
  2. People usually will assume that EcoVillages are twenty-first-century communes.
  3. The residents govern themselves, agree to obey the rules of the village, and share several communal meals every week.
  4. However, the communities are simply trying to be as environmentally friendly as possible.
  5. The village does not offer any financial support to residents.
  6. Wage-earners in EcoVillages find it necessary to commute to their jobs elsewhere.
  7. In order to save energy, they have been building all homes as duplexes.
  8. Home builders must provide heavy insulation, multiple windowpanes, and passive solar energy devices.
  9. The village land includes an organic farm serving as a produce source for residents.
  10. The EcoVillage in Ithaca, New York, has succeeded so well that it will be offering itself as a living laboratory for Cornell University environmental classes.

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