question archive Which of the following describes the nature of globalization in the contemporary world? a
Subject:EconomicsPrice:2.84 Bought6
Which of the following describes the nature of globalization in the contemporary world?
a. Globalization is a monopoly business as single seller with many buyers and exercises price-making
b. Globalization is a centrally planned economic of 100% public control and private enterprises are abolished
c. Globalization is a communism where the working class dominates the economic production
d. Globalization is the process where 196 countries engage in economic interdependence through cross-border trade in goods and services, technology and flows of investment, people, and information
It is a marketing strategy in the global economy where enterprises go after product diversification and differentiation based on the existence of an unexplored market in a certain geographic region with lower cost of operation and creation of new market demand.
a. Blue Ocean
b. Red Ocean
c. Import restrictions
d. Diseconomies of scale
A business intending to compete in a global economy should do marketing research to understand consumer needs by categorizing them according to demographic, behavioral, psychographic and geographic.
a. Import quotas
b. Government Control
c. Market Segmentation
d. Trade restrictions
Multinational and transnational corporations engaging in foreign direct investments and local and foreign markets participating in the international trade may have the opportunity to enter foreign markets in the global economy with these methods
a. Monopoly, cartel and collusions
b. Surplus and shortage
c. Diseconomies of scale, market disequilibrium & market imbalance
d. Indirect exporting, direct exporting, Licensing, Joint Ventures & Direct Investment
J.G Summits Holding with investment interest to Universal Robina, Cebu Pacific, Robinson Malls, Robinsons Bank and PLDT forming one corporate group. How does this business organization characterize?
a. Conglomerates
b. Small and Medium Enterprises
c. Cottage Industries
d. Microenterprises
The 196 countries of the world are participating in the global economy with import and export in the international trade for the reason that each of them has to confront the basic economic problems of
a. Finite wants and resources
b. Limited wants and unlimited resources
c. Infinite wants and resources
d. Unlimited wants and limited resources
When a country participating in the global economy is unable to sustain technology development, upgrade of education and human resources and development land's natural resources, it will create cost of production of goods and services with high average cost per unit of product, This problem experienced by a backward country or business is called
a. Product life cycle
b. Diseconomies of scale
c. Economies of scale
d. Market equilibrium
Which major activity in globalization facilitates exchanges of capital money & technology, goods and services across international borders because of the needs of the consumers and businesses that are to be satisfied?
a. Militarization
b. Closed door policy of trade
c. International Trade
d. Communism
International financial institutions are multilateral, regional and national development banks for various countries participating in the globalization process. Can you identify which of the citations below are international financial institutions?
a. International Exchange Bank and East-West Bank
b. Local and foreign markets
c. Central bank and Philippines National Bank
d. World Bank and Asian Development Bank (ADB)
When a country adopts globalization, it has to commit to an economic policy where restrictions or barriers to trade are reduced or removed such as tariff, quotas and duties. What economic policy is being referred to as a requirement for a country to join the global economy?
a. Government Regulation
b. Trade liberalization
c. Central planning
d. Import protections
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