question archive Human beings do not have the most sensitive or acute sensory systems in the animal kingdom on our planet

Human beings do not have the most sensitive or acute sensory systems in the animal kingdom on our planet

Subject:PsychologyPrice:2.84 Bought6

Human beings do not have the most sensitive or acute sensory systems in the animal kingdom on our planet. Some bats can hear frequencies that exceed 100,000 Hertz, dolphins receive auditory messages from great distances, and cats can probably localize sounds better than we do because they can rotate their ears. Rats see better at night than we can, eagles have more acute distance vision, and horses have a wider visual field. Rabbits have more taste buds than we do, and many animals have a keener sense of smell.

how would you perceive the world if your senses were more acute or sensitive than they actually are?

1)List a few things you would see, that you cannot see now if your sense of vision were "better."

2) List a few things you would hear, that you cannot hear now if you could hear "better."

3) If your chemical senses—taste and smell—were more sensitive, how might you be affected?

4) Why are our senses no more and no less acute or sensitive than they are?

5) If you were forced to lose one of your senses, which one do you think you would choose to lose?

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