question archive Discuss how important it is to you that your organization’s workplace values are in accordance with your own values

Discuss how important it is to you that your organization’s workplace values are in accordance with your own values

Subject:BusinessPrice: Bought3

Discuss how important it is to you that your organization’s workplace values are in accordance with your own values.  What are the dangers of a disconnection between workplace values and individual values? Any examples?

 Classmate 1

A value is an assessment of worth (gained from past influences) and expressed in our life choices. My core values are shaped and influenced by my faith. It is my beliefs of what I feel is morally right and in alignment with my faith. My values guide my decisions both personally and professionally. James 1:22-27 states, “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror. For he looks at himself and goes away and at once forget what he was like. But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing. If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, the person’s religion is worthless.”

It is very important to work for an organization that their code of conduct and culture aligns with my values and beliefs. I feel an organization with a set of code of conduct and corporate values create a healthy work culture. Values help to create boundaries, build trust congruency between leaders and followers, and expectations. Being a part of an organization that prides itself with integrity, fairness and respect makes it easier to build relationships and high performing team. Values help shape the culture of an organization and is reflective of the company’s strategic objectives.

Classmate 2 

It is extremely important to me that my organization's workplace values align with mine because if they did not, then that would lead to chaos within the workplace due to disagreements. The foundation is the main ground of where everything should rise up from. Every boss and worker should have the same foundational belief in order to excel to the same heights or go the same places. It is extremely important for me to be in a place to where my values can align with the same types of high standards. If the standards are lower than what I need or what I believe then I will never grow as a coach, administrator, teacher, and a leader. If I can't coach, teach, and lead with the passion that I have or the passion that I have allowed to be around me, then I have failed myself and I'll eventually fail those that I work for. The dangers of not aligning myself with people who have a passion for making the kids that we coach and teach better, will in ways lower my standards as a leader in the organization. The dangers can also cause you to clash consistently with other members of the staff who are upset because they do not under stand you. You will never be on the common foundation that is set to spring you to heights unimaginable in positive ways. Common grounds of working standards for the individuals at the workplace are extremely important. The benefits are wonderful because everyone wins. However, the dangers can be detrimental to you as an entire indvidual because others may not share your vision or care to see you or the kids succeed.


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