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Subject:ChemistryPrice: Bought3
3. A mercury spill occurs in an unventilated stockroom with some of the mercury
trapped in several floor cracks. What is the maximum concentration of mercury that
can be attained in the storeroom when the temperature is 23"C? If the Federal
standard permissible exposure limit for mercury in the air is 0.1 mg/m3, is the
maximum concentration of mercury in the air acceptable?
4. Benzene has a PEL of 1 ppm for an 8-h exposure. If liquid benzene is evaporating at
a rate of 2 ml/min in air whose temperature and pressure are 72°F and 12.8 psia,
respectively, what must the ventilation rate of the air be to keep the benzene
concentration below the PEL value?
5. Oxygen-deficient atmospheres can develop in closed containers by a number of
seemingly harmless mechanisms. Corrosion inside of a closed container is such a
mechanism. The typical corrosion rate for carbon steel in very moist air is about
0.005 in./yr and is about first order with respect to the oxygen concentration. If the
corrosion reaction can be approximated by the reaction,
2Fe + +3/2O2 = Fe2O3