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Subject:BusinessPrice: Bought3
This is the question they had to answer.
Applying Proverbs 4, explain some principles that are fundamental to biblical view of business ethics. Provide at least two examples of how you should apply these principles in business.
Classmate 1
In the Book of Proverbs 4, we read about a father, Solomon the King of Isreal, who delivers a message to each of his three sons. The first son’s message was an encouragement to continue to pursue wisdom and never let her go. The second son's message was created to remind him of the power of diligence and how to avoid the wicked, explaining the imperative need of taking the correct path. The third son's message was given to advise him to remain focused by remaining on the path, ignoring any deterioration because on that path he will have his source of life.
This book was told by Solomon, who believed that without rules, all civilization would quickly descend into chaos.
When applying this biblical overview to business ethics, we find the central themes of heedfulness, obedience, and diligence alongside three principles, which include: wisdom, ethics, and justice. In the Book of Proverbs, 4, the need for knowledge and wisdom is emphasized through principles. These principles were explained in several areas when Solomon stated the importance of listening to the call of wisdom, which was repeated quite often, especially when in the presence of evil, or those who choose sin over wisdom and then warning of the danger of turning and being steered in the wrong direction, against God’s perfect path.
Examples of how you should apply these principles in a business include:
Classmate 2
Proverbs 4:1-5 states, “Hear, ye children, the instruction of a father, and attend to know understanding. For I give you good doctrine, forsake ye not my law. For I was my father’s son, tender and only beloved in the sight of my mother. He taught me also, and said unto me, Let thine heart retain my words: keep my commandments, and live, Get wisdom, get understanding: forget it not; nether decline from the words of my mouth.” These scriptures are a compass to our moral understanding of ethics from a bible perspective. As Christians we are to live according to the standard Christ has set for us. Christ encourages us not to forsake the law, but to get and know understanding. The reading for this week teaches us that fundamentally, we will respond to Christ love and truth, and comply with His way of doing things, thus making progress in His Kingdom, or we will reject His way of doing things and hold on to our own patterns.
One way to apply the bible principles to business ethics is to do as the scripture instructs in Colossians 3:23 King James Version, “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men.” Work was created by God and we honor him when do the right thing in being honest and having respect. We should not compromise but do everything with our heart unto the Lord, not men. Secondly, understanding the covenant of Christ and allowing that to be a guiding principle because it is trust, commitment, and accountability. All of which are necessary for business ethics and maintaining ethical integrity from a Christian worldview.