question archive A common mistake in focused relaxation is being too impatient or judgmental

A common mistake in focused relaxation is being too impatient or judgmental

Subject:SociologyPrice: Bought3

A common mistake in focused relaxation is being too impatient or judgmental.





In 2008 transnational survey that included researchers in the United States, Norway, Aotearoa New Zealand (ANZ), and the United Kingdom a larger percentage of social workers in ______had received content on religion and spirituality in their social work education.


The United States

The United Kingdom




In the 2008 National survey two questions that dealt with forgiveness ______% indicated that it is important to help clients assess whether they will work on forgiveness while ______% use techniques in their practice that deal with forgiveness.

63.8; 72.3

12.4; 15.6

22.3; 29.9

None of the above



In the 2008 transnational survey that included researchers in the United States, Norway, Aotearoa New Zealand (ANZ), and the United Kingdom

religious participation is the highest rate among industrialized countries

civil religion is pervasive

many social services are provided under religious auspices

all of the above



In the United States standards for social work education and practice changed in the 1990s to include recognition of religious diversity and spirituality.




Professional social work trends in United States, Norway, Aotearoa New Zealand (ANZ), and the United Kingdom are moving towards standards for holistic perspective on human well-being and justice supported by

The National Association of Social Workers (NASW)

The Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)

The World Health Organization

All of the above.



Social workers in South Africa complied with apartheid in South Africa, instead of challenging apartheid and its impact on black students.





The 2008 transnational survey that included researchers in the United States, Norway, Aotearoa New Zealand (ANZ), and the United Kingdom found U.S. social workers felt somewhat comfortable raising the topics of religion and spirituality when dealing with practical issues.





The 2008 transnational survey that included researchers in the United States, Norway, Aotearoa New Zealand (ANZ), and the United Kingdom found that compared to the U.S. social workers in the U.K. and ANZ were more cautious about raising the topics of religion and spirituality when dealing with practical issues.





The 2008 transnational survey that included researchers in the United States, Norway, Aotearoa New Zealand (ANZ), and the United Kingdom found that nearly_____% of the U.S. respondents indicated that integrating religion and spirituality in social work practice is compatible with the code of ethics.







The Joint Commission for accrediting healthcare organizations (JCAHO) sets requirements that healthcare settings must address the spiritual needs of patients.





The NASW Code of Ethics requires that "social workers should not engage in physical contact with clients when there is a possibility of psychological harm to the client as a result of the contact (such as cradling or caressing clients.)





Zahl and Zahl and Furman found that

Religion and spirituality are still not areas of emphasis in social work practice and education

Norwegian professional social work never had a strong religious orientation

Norway's occupation by Nazis during WWII halted and negatively impacted social work's professional development.

All of the above



__________________ is a means of settling disputes, in which aiding victims, forgiveness, reconciliation, and community restoration are sought rather than simply retributive punishment.

Metaphysical forgiveness

Identifying the hurt

Restorative justice

All of the above



_____________stated it is necessary to evaluate whether the client and the offender have sufficient ego capacities to seek or grant forgiveness.

Worthington and DiBlasio

Krause and Ingersoll

Desmond Tutu

Enright and North



_________said that forgiveness between nations, forgiveness between cultural groups, and forgiveness between communities are all possible once the necessary steps have been taken

Worthington and DiBlasio

Krause and Ingersoll

Desmond Tutu

Enright and North



__________suggested that when there is no ritual social workers may be called on to mark an event or to celebrate accomplishments or to move through critical life passages.

Joan Laird

Arnold Lazarus

Victor Turner

Ruth Benedict


________is a cultural anthropologist who had major influence on ritual studies, made a helpful distinction between ritual and ceremony.

Joan Laird

Arnold Lazarus

Victor Turner

Ruth Benedict


________means paying attention to the present moment with a clear mind that acknowledges what is without judgement.

Concentration meditation


Relaxation training

None of the above


______________remarked "the world is on the brink of disaster if we don't forgive, accept forgiveness and reconcile. Forgiveness does not mean amnesia....We must forgive, but almost always we should not forget that there were atrocities, because if we do, we are then likely to repeat those." atrocities.

Joan Laird

Arnold Lazarus

Desmond Tutu

Ruth Benedict


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