question archive report wrong answers be sure of your answers 1 Does aciclovir prevent the chances of developing herpes zoster (shingles) when given during primary infection? 2 How long does it take after vaccination to become immunized against chickenpox and therefore safe to work in infectious areas? 3 Is meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) the only major hospital-acquired infection? 4 Do you have to have antibiotics to get Clostridium difficile infection? 5 Why do some patients with rheumatic fever later progress to chronic rheumatic heart disease? 6 What is the World Health Organization recommendation for the prophylaxis of rheumatic fever after a streptococcal throat infection? 7 Does rheumatic fever have an infectious or an immunological aetiology? 8 Why is migratory polyarthritis found in rheumatic heart disease? 9 Are penicillins still the drug of choice in streptococcal infections (particularly Strep
Subject:Health SciencePrice:2.84 Bought7
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1 Does aciclovir prevent the chances of developing herpes zoster (shingles) when given during primary infection?
2 How long does it take after vaccination to become immunized against chickenpox and therefore safe to work in infectious areas?
3 Is meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) the only major hospital-acquired infection?
4 Do you have to have antibiotics to get Clostridium difficile infection?
5 Why do some patients with rheumatic fever later progress to chronic rheumatic heart disease?
6 What is the World Health Organization recommendation for the prophylaxis of rheumatic fever after a streptococcal throat infection?
7 Does rheumatic fever have an infectious or an immunological aetiology?
8 Why is migratory polyarthritis found in rheumatic heart disease?
9 Are penicillins still the drug of choice in streptococcal infections (particularly Strep. Pneumoniae)?
10 1. How long can the antistreptolysin-O (ASO) titre remain positive after a streptococcal infection? 2. What is the effect of a suitable antibiotic on the ASO titre, if any
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