question archive Assume that you are the vice-president of HR at a relatively new non-union firm that has been experiencing rapid growth

Assume that you are the vice-president of HR at a relatively new non-union firm that has been experiencing rapid growth

Subject:ManagementPrice:2.84 Bought7

Assume that you are the vice-president of HR at a relatively new non-union firm that has been experiencing rapid growth. In view of the management team's desire to remain non-union, you have been asked to make a report to the other senior management team members, making specific recommendations regarding strategies that the firm should adopt to help to ensure that the employees will have no desire to unionize. 

 1) Identify two key recommendations to your plan. Explain how these recommendations will improve overall relations. 

2)What are the advantages and disadvantages to unionization in the workplace from a management perspective?

3)What are the advantages and disadvantages to unionization in the workplace from an employee perspectives?

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