question archive program that prompts a user to enter a series of integers until he presses the sentinel value, -999, to stop, and then displays the following: ? A message stating how many numbers he has keyed in ? The sum of the numbers ? The mean (ie

program that prompts a user to enter a series of integers until he presses the sentinel value, -999, to stop, and then displays the following: ? A message stating how many numbers he has keyed in ? The sum of the numbers ? The mean (ie

Subject:Computer SciencePrice: Bought3

program that prompts a user to enter a series of integers until he presses the sentinel

value, -999, to stop, and then displays the following:

? A message stating how many numbers he has keyed in

? The sum of the numbers

? The mean (ie. average) of the numbers (to 3 decimal places)


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