question archive 1) New businesses are frequently launched as a means to address a current glitch in the industry

1) New businesses are frequently launched as a means to address a current glitch in the industry

Subject:PsychologyPrice:3.86 Bought12

1) New businesses are frequently launched as a means to address a current glitch in the industry. Pick an industry and identify a typical customer problem. What changes could you make to enter that industry and enhance customer satisfaction (and be profitable)? 

2) Run a taste test. Compare Pepsi vs. Coke, or bottled water vs. tap, or an expensive bottle of wine vs. the boxed stuff. Discuss participants' level of knowledge and surprise.


  • Compare the diagnostic criteria for the two disorders.
  • Describe the etiology behind the disorders.
  • Describe treatment strategies for these disorders.
  • Explain potential challenges associated with treating these disorders.


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