question archive A converts substrate 1 to product 2

A converts substrate 1 to product 2

Subject:BiologyPrice: Bought3

A converts substrate 1 to product 2. Enzyme B converts substrate 2 to product 3. Enzymes A and B are each coded for by separate autosomal genes that exhibit independent assortment. Each mutant allele for each gene has 0% enzyme activity and each normal allele has 50% enzyme activity. Two individuals are heterozygous AaBb) for both genes. If they have children, write the possible genotypes for the children and the likelihood of each (_out of 16 as shown via a dihybrid Punnett square). Indicate the % activity for enzyme A and enzyme B. (9 points) 1-2-3 Genotype of Activity level Activity level possible Likelihood out Will product 3 of enzyme A offspring of enzyme B of 16 (0, 50, or be formed? (0, 50, or 100%) 100%) (Yes or No)


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