question archive a) In each of the following situations, identify the scale(s) of measurement that is appropriate for each situation
Subject:StatisticsPrice: Bought3
a) In each of the following situations, identify the scale(s) of measurement that is appropriate for each situation.
(i) A visiting school inspector asked a class teacher to rank the thirty students in her class on "level of discipline", with 1 standing for the least disciplined student and 30 standing for the most disciplined student.
(ii) Identical twins living in different environments are being compared to find out the influence of the environment on their academic performance. A standard test on academic performance is giving to fifty (50) sets of identical twins and their performance graded over 100.
(iii) "Regular" students and students admitted under the distance learning programme into Accra Institute of Technology are administrated a questionnaire measuring "level of maturity" of the students, with scores on "level of maturity" ranging from 0 to 10.
(iv) One thousand students in a statistics class are asked to rate their lecturer on teaching effectiveness at the end of the semester, where rating scores on teaching effectiveness can possibly range between 10 and 50.
(v) A relationship is to be established between "Campus of Study" and "Academic Performance" among Accra Institute of Technology students at KCC campus and Seaview campus based on their final grade point average (FGPA), classified as "Good" (FGPA of 3.2 or better), "Average" (FGPA of 2.5 to 3.19) or "Poor" (FGPA below 2.5). Five hundred (500) and 100 students are sampled from KCC campus and Seaview campus respectively. Out of the 500 students sampled from KCC campus, 200 were classified as "Good" as "Average" and the rest as "Poor". Out of the 100 students sampled from Seaview campus, 30 were classified as "Good", 40 as "Average", and the rest as "Poor".
b) Using practical examples from the field of statistics, determine the following variables you expect to have a normal or nearly normal distribution. Illustrate by discussing and explaining possible reasons for your answer.
a. Scores on a very easy test
b. Shoe sizes of a random sample of adult women
c. The number of apples in each of 100 full bushel baskets
c) In each of the following situations, identify the population and the sample
(i). There are 50 books in statistics in our library which contains a collection of 5,000 books.
(ii). About 20% of the stones heaped on the building site are round in shape.
(iii). The dream that there will be more female than male politicians in Ghana will never be realized
(iv) About 10% of pregnant mothers reporting to hospitals are infected with HIV virus.
(v) Since the last major earthquake in 1939, there have been 60 earth tremors in Ghana, with 20 these occurring over the past 5 years.