question archive The purpose of this course paper is to provide you with an opportunity to examine in-depth, a current or emerging innovative technology with application to clinical practice, health professional or patient education, or healthcare research and quality

The purpose of this course paper is to provide you with an opportunity to examine in-depth, a current or emerging innovative technology with application to clinical practice, health professional or patient education, or healthcare research and quality

Subject:Health SciencePrice: Bought3

The purpose of this course paper is to provide you with an opportunity to examine in-depth, a current or emerging innovative technology with application to clinical practice, health professional or patient education, or healthcare research and quality.  When selecting a technology, you might consider a technology that could be related to either your DNP project or that could inform your future advanced nursing practice.

Assignment #3 is the final section of your innovative technology paper.  For Assignment #3,  you will be researching additional factors that need to be considered when adopting technology, including key stakeholders and associated costs/benefits of the selected technology.  In addition, you will develop a plan for adoption, based on a theory, model, or framework.  Finally, you will conclude your paper by identifying any barriers to the adoption of the technology that you might anticipate, and societal implications, and future applications. Any feedback received related to the first two sections of your paper should be incorporated into this final assignment.  For this final assignment, you will be adding the following components: 

  1. Section #1: Technology Description (including any required revisions)
  2. Section #2: Narrative Literature Synthesis / Evidence Summary Table (including any required revisions)
  3. Section #3:
    • Stakeholders
      • Identify key stakeholders relevant to the adoption of the technology, including their investment, what they have to gain, and any source of bias.
    • Cost-benefit analysis/financial considerations
      • Provide an analysis of the cost of the technology (e.g. cost of illness, cost-effectiveness, cost-benefit, etc.), the suitability of which will depend upon the availability of data and other resources.
    • Plan for dissemination and adoption
      • Select a technology adoption theory, model, or framework
      • Using the selected theory, model, or framework - develop a plan for adoption of your selected technology.  The plan for adoption should include a discussion of how you would apply/integrate the theory into the adoption of the technology.
      • Incorporate any relevant complexity leadership functions (operational leadership, entrepreneurial leadership, enabling leadership)  that would be beneficial in helping facilitate the adoption of your technology within a clinical practice or organization.
    • Barriers to adoption
      • Identify any anticipated barriers to the adoption of the technology based on the developed plan for dissemination and adoption.
      • Provide possible solutions to address the identified barriers
    • Societal Implications
      • Discuss any policy, legal, ethical, cultural, and safety implications that are relevant to the adoption of the selected technology
    • Future Applications
      • Discuss any future applications specific to the selected technology.

Note:  Three examples of final course papers can be found in Module 9: Trends and Issues.  Please note that the incorporation of the evidence summary table as an appendix in your paper is new this semester - you will not find these tables in the provided examples.

Note:  Turnitin:  Please note that this version of your paper will be automatically submitted to Turnitin. The similarity report should be less than or equal to 25%. If it is more than 25%, you will need to edit it before submitting your final paper.

Formatting Instructions:

  1. Specifications: MS Word file with .docx tag, font Times/Times New Roman 12 pt, double spaced, 1” margins, page numbers
  2. Required paper sections:
      1. Title page - title, your name, and credentials, institution (UCF CON) date
      2. Abstract - Complete, unstructured abstract -no more than 250 words
        • While APA 7th edition does not require an abstract for student papers, I am playing my instructor card and requiring it for this paper:)  Abstract writing is a skill which you will apply in future scholarly work (DNP final project announcement, professional papers, conference presentations).
      3. Body - please order/organize your paper as follows:
        • Please use the following headings to organize your paper:
          • Introduction - please include a brief introduction (no more than one paragraph) introducing your technology and the purpose of your paper (note:  this introduction may evolve before your final submission).
          • Description of Technology
          • Narrative Literature Synthesis
          • Stakeholders
          • Cost-benefit analysis/financial considerations
          • Plan for dissemination and adoption
          • Barriers to adoption
          • Societal Implications
          • Future Applications
          • References - formatted in APA style; separate from the main body of your paper.
          • Appendix - Evidence Summary Table
    • Pagination - not to exceed 12 - double-spaced pages (excluding the title page, abstract, literature review summary table, and references)
    • APA 7th Ed. formatting

RubricFinal Innovative Technology PaperFinal Innovative Technology PaperCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome1. Technology Description5 ptsExceeds ExpectationsIncludes all required elements and the elements are discussed with extensive detail: relevant definition, a complete description of the technology including any supporting hardware requirements, and a description of the specific application to clinical practice, education, or research/quality.4.25 ptsMeets ExpectationsIncludes all required elements with adequate detail: relevant definition, a complete description of the technology including any supporting hardware requirements, and a description of the specific application to clinical practice, education, or research/quality. Additional details in some elements could have enhanced the description.3.75 ptsBelow ExpectationsSome required elements are not provided OR the elements that are provided are discussed with insufficient detail to fully understand the selected technology3.25 ptsNot AcceptableSome required elements are not provided AND the elements that are provided are discussed with insufficient detail to fully understand the selected technology.5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome2. Evidence Summary Table10 ptsExceeds ExpectationsThe evidence table is complete with excellent detail provided in all table sections; selected articles are related to the chosen technology; evidence that is summarized supports the specific application of the technology as outlined in the description of the technology.8.5 ptsMeets ExpectationsThe evidence table is complete with adequate detail provided in all table sections; selected articles are related to the chosen technology; evidence that is summarized supports the specific application of the technology as outlined in the description of the technology. Additional details in some sections of the table would add further clarity.7 ptsBelow ExpectationsThe evidence table is incomplete with insufficient detail provided in some table sections OR selected articles are not related to the chosen technology OR evidence that is summarized does not support the specific application of the technology as outlined in the description of the technology.6 ptsNot AcceptableThe evidence table is incomplete with insufficient detail provided in some table sections AND selected articles are not related to the chosen technology AND evidence that is summarized does not support the specific application of the technology as outlined in the description of the technology.10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome3. Narrative Literature Synthesis15 ptsExceeds ExpectationsThe literature synthesis is logical, well-organized, and conveys an understanding of the topic. Conclusions are appropriately supported and provide evidence in support of the specific technology and its specific application.12.75 ptsMeets ExpectationsThe literature synthesis is logical, suitably organized, and conveys an adequate understanding of the topic. Conclusions are appropriately supported and provide evidence in support of the technology and its specific application. Additional details in some sections would add further clarity.11.25 ptsBelow ExpectationsThe literature synthesis is not well-organized OR does not convey an understanding of the topic OR conclusions are not supported OR evidence does not support of the selected technology and its specific application.10.5 ptsNot AcceptableThe literature synthesis is not well-organized AND does not convey an understanding of the topic AND conclusions are not supported AND evidence does not support of the selected technology and its specific application.15 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome4. Stakeholders5 ptsExceeds ExpectationsIdentifies a broad scope of relevant stakeholders that are critical to facilitate the adoption of the technology. Stakeholders' investment, what they have to gain, and any source of bias are comprehensively discussed.4.25 ptsMeets ExpectationsIdentifies relevant stakeholders that are critical to facilitate the adoption of the technology. Stakeholders' investment, what they have to gain, and any source of bias are adequately discussed.3.75 ptsBelow ExpectationsIdentifies a limited number of stakeholders that would be necessary to facilitate the adoption of the technology OR stakeholders' investment, what they have to gain, and any source of bias are not adequately discussed.3.25 ptsNot AcceptableIdentifies a limited number of stakeholders that would be necessary to facilitate the adoption of the technology AND stakeholders' investment, what they have to gain, and any source of bias are not adequately discussed.5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome5.. Cost-Benefit Analysis5 ptsExceeds ExpectationsProvides a comprehensive analysis of the cost of the technology (e.g. cost of illness, cost-effectiveness, cost-benefit).4.25 ptsMeets ExpectationsProvides an adequate analysis of the cost of the technology (e.g. cost of illness, cost-effectiveness, cost-benefit). Additional details would have provided a more comprehensive analysis.3.75 ptsBelow ExpectationsProvides an adequate description of the cost of the technology. An analysis is not provided.3.25 ptsNot AcceptableProvides a partial description of the cost of the technology. An analysis is not provided.5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome6. Plan for Dissemination and Adoption25 ptsExceeds ExpectationsA technology adoption theory, model, or framework is comprehensively described and clearly integrated into a comprehensive plan for the adoption and dissemination of the selected technology. Complexity leadership function (s) of benefit to facilitating technology adoption are incorporated into the plan.21.25 ptsMeets ExpectationsA technology adoption theory, model, or framework is adequately described and clearly integrated into a suitable plan for the adoption and dissemination of the selected technology. Additional details describing the selected theory, model, or framework or its integration would have provided a more comprehensive plan.19.06 ptsBelow ExpectationsA technology adoption theory, model, or framework is not described OR not clearly integrated into a suitable plan for the adoption and dissemination of the selected technology.17.5 ptsNot AcceptableA technology adoption theory, model, or framework is not described AND not clearly integrated into a suitable plan for the adoption and dissemination of the selected technology.25 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome7. Barriers to Adoption10 ptsExceeds ExpectationsBarriers to the adoption of the technology are comprehensively discussed in detail and are based on the developed plan for dissemination and adoption. Provided solutions are well-aligned with the identified barriers8.5 ptsMeets ExpectationsBarriers to the adoption of the technology are adequately discussed and are based on the developed plan for dissemination and adoption. Provided solutions are appropriate for the identified barriers. Additional details would have enhanced understanding of the barriers and solutions.7.67 ptsBelow ExpectationsBarriers to the adoption of the technology are not discussed OR they are not based on the developed plan for dissemination and adoption. Provided solutions are not appropriate for the identified barriers.7 ptsNot AcceptableBarriers to the adoption of the technology are not discussed AND they are not based on the developed plan for dissemination and adoption. Provided solutions are not appropriate for the identified barriers.10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome8. Societal Implications10 ptsExceeds ExpectationsPolicy, legal, ethical, cultural, and safety implications relevant to the adoption of the selected technology are comprehensively discussed.8.5 ptsMeets ExpectationsPolicy, legal, ethical, cultural, and safety implications relevant to the adoption of the selected technology are discussed with adequate detail. Additional details would have provided a more meaningful understanding of the identified implications.7.5 ptsBelow ExpectationsPolicy, legal, ethical, cultural, and safety implications relevant to the adoption of the selected technology are not comprehensively discussed OR some relevant implications are not addressed.7 ptsNot AcceptablePolicy, legal, ethical, cultural, and safety implications relevant to the adoption of the selected technology are not comprehensively discussed AND some relevant implications are not addressed.10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome9. Future Applications5 ptsExceeds ExpectationsA substantially detailed discussion of future applications specific to the selected technology is provided.4.25 ptsMeets ExpectationsA suitably detailed discussion of future applications specific to the selected technology is provided.3.75 ptsBelow ExpectationsFuture applications specific to the selected technology are addressed with limited details.0 ptsNot AcceptableFuture applications of the selected technology are not discussed.5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome10. Professional Writing8 ptsExceeds ExpectationsContent is written in a well-organized manner with effective use of paragraphs and headings; thoughts are logically and clearly conveyed. No readily identifiable errors in grammar and mechanics are noted.6.75 ptsMeets ExpectationsContent is written in a well-organized manner with effective use of paragraphs and headings; thoughts are logically and clearly conveyed. Isolated errors in grammar and mechanics are noted.6 ptsBelow ExpectationsContent is written in a well-organized manner with effective use of paragraphs and headings; thoughts are logically and clearly conveyed OR frequent errors or patterns of errors in grammar and mechanics are noted throughout the paper. Consultation with UCF Writing Center is strongly recommended.5.5 ptsNot AcceptableContent is not written in an organized manner; thoughts are not logically and clearly conveyed AND frequent errors in grammar and mechanics are noted. Consultation with UCF Writing Center is required.8 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome11. APA / Formatting2 ptsExceeds ExpectationsAPA: Consistent application of APA style is demonstrated in the formatting of both in-text and reference citations with no readily identifiable errors. Formatting: Includes all required components1.7 ptsMeets ExpectationsAPA: Consistent application of APA style is demonstrated in the formatting of both in-text and reference citations with only isolated errors. Formatting: Includes all required components1.5 ptsBelow ExpectationsInconsistent application of APA style is demonstrated with frequent and/or patterns of errors in the formatting of both in-text and reference citations OR required components; title page, abstract placeholder, references, and pagination requirements are not included or pagination requirements are not met.1.25 ptsNot AcceptableInformation clearly summarized from outside sources is not appropriately cited with a reference and corresponding in-text citation AND required components; title page, abstract placeholder, references are not included or pagination requirements are not met.2 pts


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