question archive 1 ) Select the statement that would correctly instantiate the array below to have 4 rows and 8 columns? String[][] vals; - vals[4][8]; - vals = new String[8][4]; - vals[8][4]; - vals = new String[4][8]; - vals = new char[4][8];  2 ) Select all methods from the class below that are mutators

1 ) Select the statement that would correctly instantiate the array below to have 4 rows and 8 columns? String[][] vals; - vals[4][8]; - vals = new String[8][4]; - vals[8][4]; - vals = new String[4][8]; - vals = new char[4][8];  2 ) Select all methods from the class below that are mutators

Subject:Computer SciencePrice: Bought3

1 ) Select the statement that would correctly instantiate the array below to have 4 rows and 8 columns?

String[][] vals;

- vals[4][8];

- vals = new String[8][4];

- vals[8][4];

- vals = new String[4][8];

- vals = new char[4][8];

 2 ) Select all methods from the class below that are mutators.

public class Person {

 String name;

 int age;

public void setName( String n ){

  name = n;



 public String getName( ) {

  return name;


 public int getAge( ) {

  return age;


 public void setAge( int a ) {

  age = a;



- setName

- getName

- Person

- getAge

- setAge

3 ) Select all of the following statements which correctly assign a value (WITHOUT ERROR) to an index in the 2D array below.

int[][] vals = new int[2][5];

- vals[0][3] = 8;

- vals[0] = 6;

- vals[1][4] = -9;

- vals[1][5] = -8;

- vals[2][3] = 7;

4 ) Select all methods from the class below that are accessors.

public class Foursquare{

  int x;

  int y;

  public void setX(int value){

    x = value;


  public void setY(int value){

    y = value;


  public int getX(){

    return x;


  public int getY(){

    return y;



- getY

- setX

- getX

- setY

5 ) If there is a Person variable named p, select all valid method calls using that variable.

public class Person {

 String name;

 int age;

 public void setName( String n ){

  name = n;


 public String getName( ) {

  return name;


 public int getAge( ) {

  return age;


 public void setAge( int a ) {

  age = a;



- getName( p )

- p.setAge( )

- p.setName( "Veronica" )

- p.getAge

- p.getName()

6 ) Convert the decimal number -10 to binary 2s complement representation. Express your answer in 5 digits with no spaces.

 7 ) What is printed by the class' main method below?

public class Apartment {

  int numOfFloors;


  public int getFloors(){

    return numOfFloors; 



  public void setFloors(int number){

    numOfFloors = number;



  public addFloors(int count){

    numOfFloors += count;


     public void main(String[] args){

    Apartment a1 = new Apartment();


    Apartment a2 = new Apartment();


    Apartment a3 = a2;





- 18

- 24

- 17

- 26

- 20

8 ) Select all of the primitive variable declarations below.

- Scanner words;

- int x;

- String str;

- double interest;

- boolean isName;

9 ) If there is a Bicycle variable named b, select all valid method calls using that variable.

public class Bicycle {

  public int cadence;

  public int speed;

   public void setCadence(int value){

    cadence = value;


  public int getCadence(){

    return cadence;


  public void setSpeed(int value){

    speed = value;


  public int getSpeed(){

    return speed;



- b.setSpeed()

- b.setSpeed(100)

- setCadence(b)

- b.getCadence(10)

- b.getCadence()

10 ) If the following bit pattern is interpreted to be an unsigned integer, what is its decimal equivalent? Express your answer in digits


11 ) Select all class-type variable declarations below.

- int count;

- Turtle greenTurtle;

- String street;

- char initial;

12 ) A class method which changes a data field (or instance variable) is called a(n)...

- accessor

- class

- keyword

- constructor

- mutator

13 ) Which of the following expressions evaluate to 12 for the 2D array below?

int[][] vals = new int[2][12];

- vals[0].length

- vals.length

- vals

- vals[12]

14 ) Which of the following are used to format a floating point number

- significand

- exponent

- sign

- identity

- property

15 ) What type of exception needs to be handled by your code when reading a file

- FileNotFoundException

- IOException

- ParseException


- NullPointerException

16 ) A unit of user input separated by whitespace is called a(n) _________.

- token

- chunk

- line

- symbol

- keyword

17 ) When debugging, what option would you want to use if you go into the first line of the code of a method that has just been called

- bugging

- step out

- method step

- resume

- step into


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