question archive You need to provide some feedback to a worker whose work is not meeting quality standards

You need to provide some feedback to a worker whose work is not meeting quality standards

Subject:Operations ManagementPrice: Bought3

You need to provide some feedback to a worker whose work is not meeting quality standards. In a short sentence, describe the reason for this communication event.

1.     How might it be affected by their psychological state?

You arrive at work late one morning and walk past two colleagues. You hear one of the workers say, 'She gets away with everything.' You assume they are talking about you. When you ask them about this, they tell you that they were talking about one of their family members who always borrows money but never pays it back.

2.     Describe the type of context you were missing here.


Make a list of at least 2 ways that your communication might differ when speaking to a more senior manager and a friend.

3.     Identify the context involved here.


4.     Provide 2 examples, per dot point, of the persons who might be involved in:

  • Organisational communication
  • Interpersonal communication
  • Group communication


You have been asked to provide workers with information about your organisation's intention to downsize. You have not been told whether you will be providing the information to a large group of workers or whether you will be talking to workers one-on-one.

5.     Why would it be important to identify the number of persons that would be involved in the communication?


You are involved in a meeting where you and your fellow co-workers are being told about a new product the organisation is going to start selling. It is late in the day and the cleaners are vacuuming the hallways outside. Everyone has to stand up as the seats from the room have been removed.

6.     Is this communication likely to be successful? Explain your answer.


7.     If you were the manager in the above situation, what would you do differently to ensure the information is communicated successfully? List at least 2 things you could do.


8.     You are training a worker who has a significant hearing impairment. List at least 2 things you could do to increase the chances that the communication would be successful.


9.     Identify the desired outcome of the following communications in a short sentence/statement:

  • Telling workers about new legislation that will affect their work
  • Announcing to a team that a worker had secured a very lucrative new client
  • Asking workers to continue working hard on a project that has taken more time than expected to complete.
  • Showing a worker how to write a report.
  • Telling workers about something funny that happened to you.


You have been asked to talk to workers about a new process to be followed when clients need finance for large purchases. You have been told that the intended outcome of the communication is to convince workers to support the idea and follow the new procedure willingly.

10. What could you do to achieve the desired outcome in this situation? Provide at least 3 examples in a bullet point list.


11. You need to tell a group of workers that the lifts in the building are not working and that they will need to use the stairs for the rest of the day. What method of communication would be suitable here? Explain your answer.


12. You need to tell a group of workers about changes to how they need to submit their expenses and what items qualify as expenses. What method of communication would be suitable here? Explain your answer in a short paragraph.


A worker wants to talk to you about their career path and what they can do to increase their chances of promotion when the next opportunity arises. You do not particularly like the worker.

13. Is this likely to create a barrier to effective communication? Explain your answer.



A worker wants to talk to you about the way another worker is treating them. This worker often comes to you to complain about other members of the team and you have become bored with their grumblings.

14. Is this likely to create a barrier to effective communication? Explain your answer.



You need to write a document about a complicated subject matter. You are worried workers will not understand it because of the technicality of the information.

15. Identify at least 2 things you could do to reduce the impact of this barrier to communication in a bullet point list.



Your organisation has a policies and procedures manual with a section on communication processes. They have asked you to add to it by developing a section on the requirements that need to be met when writing reports.

16. What are 2 things you might need to cover in this section?



17. You want to send a client's information to a network contact you have. The contact is based overseas.

Taking the relevant legislation into account, are you permitted to do this without the client's permission? Explain your answer.



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