question archive In this week, you have studied additional Python language syntax for rendering HTML templates using the Python Flask module

In this week, you have studied additional Python language syntax for rendering HTML templates using the Python Flask module

Subject:Computer SciencePrice:3.87 Bought7

In this week, you have studied additional Python language syntax for rendering HTML templates using the Python Flask module. The Lab for this week demonstrates your knowledge of this additional Python functionality. Be sure to use the examples in the textbook and readings along with the associate libraries, functions and processes when completing the assignments for this week. ? Python Web Page Code (Python code, Templates, CSS and other associated files). This exercise uses your programming environment to generate a simple Web site using Python flask. The site should be unique, include at least 3 routes (e.g. number of pages one can navigate), each route should render the HTML pages by using the render_template() functionality. A style sheet should be included that is used by all Web pages. Proper organization should take place of the web site including the location of templates and static pages. Keep in the basic HTML form for a function web page includes the following components:

<!DOCTYPE html>



<title> Page Title</title>



...your page content...




In addition to the requirements list above the following functionality should be found within your web site on one or more web pages. ?

  • Use at least 3 different heading styles (e.g. <h1>,<h2>,<h3>)
  • Paragraph (<p>)
  • Comments <!-- -->) ?
  • Ordered list ?
  • Unordered list ?
  • At least 3 Links to other External Web Sites ?
  • Display the Date and Time on a Web page (Hint: Just use the Python datetime functions)


The content and topic of the Web site is up to you. Consider an information web site about a topic you are interested. It should be unique and something you want to create. Be sure to end tags that are started (e.g. <h1>/<h1>)

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