question archive Most people are familiar with chain letters, this type of correspondence requires a person to copy a letter and send it on to five or more friends

Most people are familiar with chain letters, this type of correspondence requires a person to copy a letter and send it on to five or more friends

Subject:CommunicationsPrice: Bought3

Most people are familiar with chain letters, this type of correspondence requires a person to copy a letter and send it on to five or more friends. - run-on sentence - comma splice - correct 2. Chain letters, which have existed for years, usually promise good luck or money for people who continue the chain and bad luck for those who break it. - run-on sentence - comma splice - correct 3. Today, electronic chain letters are very common almost anyone who uses e-mail has seen at least one. - run-on sentence - comma splice - correct 4. Many electronic chain letters appeal to the recipient's good nature, the recipient often hopes for the best and sends the letters on to other people.- run-on sentence - comma splice - correct 5. One popular e-mail chain letter described a young girl dying of cancer she was supposed to receive a few pennies for treatment every time the letter was forwarded. - run-on sentence - comma splice - correct 6. There is, however, no way for any charity to find out how many times an e-mail is forwarded the e-mail was simply a chain letter. - run-on sentence - comma splice - correct 7. One letter began as a legitimate request for help in finding a missing child, but the letter continues to circulate even though the child was found in 1997. - run-on sentence - comma splice - correct 8. Some organizations that send out unsolicited e-mail get addresses from these chain letters, anyone who forwards a chain letter risks getting many more unsolicited messages.- run-on sentence - comma splice - correct 9. When millions of chain letters are sent, e-mail servers slow down or crash this costs users time and money. - run-on sentence - comma splice - correct 10. Time is money, the Department of Energy estimates that worktime worth over $40 million would be lost if every Internet user spent one minute reading and discarding a chain letter.- run-on sentence - comma splice - correct


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