question archive 1) Let ­ = [0; a] £ [0; b] ½ R2

1) Let ­ = [0; a] £ [0; b] ½ R2

Subject:StatisticsPrice: Bought3

1) Let ­ = [0; a] £ [0; b] ½ R2. We seek the (unique) solution u : ­ ! R to the Laplace boundary-value problem

¢u = 0 in ­;

u(0; y) = u(x; 0) = 0; for 0 · x · a; 0 · y · b;

ux(a; y) = 0; for 0 · y · b;

u(x; b) = g(x); for 0 · x · a;

where g : [0; a] ! R is a known function. Using the method of separation of variables, calculate

the solution up to unknown constants, and give a condition that can enable us to calculate these

unknown constants.


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