question archive 1) Explain five principles under which cooperative societies should be managed (10mks) 2

1) Explain five principles under which cooperative societies should be managed (10mks) 2

Subject:FinancePrice: Bought3

1) Explain five principles under which cooperative societies should be managed (10mks)

2. Explain five problems that farmers encounter when they sell their produce through marketing boards. (10mks)

3. Explain five sources of short term finances available to a business organization. (10mks)

4. currently the government of Kenya is involved in privatizing public corporations. Explain five reasons that could make the government retain some of the corporations. (10mks)

5. describe five disadvantages of running a business as a sole proprietor (10mks)

6. A group of businessmen from town x have formed a cartel. What reason could have led them to take such an action (10mks)

7. Explain five reasons why a public limited company may prefer to raise finance through issue of ordinary shares instead of debentures. (10mks)

8. Outline the differences between a private limited company and a public corporation (10mks)

9. In what ways do multinational corporations differ from locally owned firms.(10mks)

10. Discuss the factors that may influence the growth of a business unit. (12mks)

11. explain the factors that make it difficult for many Kenyan to purchase houses through building societies. (6mks)

12. Explain the six benefits that may account to a business organization which expands the scale of its operation. (12mks)

13. Draw five differences between public limited company and a partnership form of a business. (10mks)

14. Describe the problems associated with a sole proprietorship form a business (10mks) 15. explain six benefits that a company would get by raising capital through sale of ordinary shares (12mks)

16. Wafula who recently retired would like to invest his retirement benefits in either of tow business options. Explain five factors that Wafula should consider in choosing the business to invest. (10mks)

17. Outline 4 reasons why the government may decide to nationalize some business enterprises. (10mks)

1. State four ways in which the Kenya Government protects consumers (4mks)

2. Give three disadvantages of railway transport in Kenya (3mks)

3. State four ways in which a government may regulate business activities (4mks)

4. Outline four reasons why a government may find it necessary to protect consumers. (4mks)

5. outline four reasons why the government participates in business protection. (4mks)

6. Highlight four limitations of using consumer initiated methods in consumer unfair business practices by traders. (4mks)

7. State four reasons why a government may want to be involved in commercial activities (4mks) . (4mks)

8. State four reasons why a government may want to be involved in commercial activities (4mks)

9. Give four functions of the Kenya external trade authority. (4mks) 


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