question archive There are various types of ethical theories that you will be encountering in Unit 3--e

There are various types of ethical theories that you will be encountering in Unit 3--e

Subject:PhilosophyPrice: Bought3

There are various types of ethical theories that you will be encountering in Unit 3--e.g., Utilitarianism, Kantian, Aristotelian virtue theory.  However, a question that has always pressed human kind (it was relevant even in the day of the Greek Sophists) is whether morality is simple relative to a culture/society/person or whether there can be objective criteria for determining right and wrong .  Ethical Absolutism states that one and only one correct morality exists. Ethical relativism denies the existence of a single, universal applicable moral standard. Given your understanding and study of this unit please answer the following:

First response Question:

Where do you stand on the question of ethical relativism? Do you think human moralities and ethical theories are derived solely from, and thus relative to, a cultural/societal/personal environment? Why or why not?

Notice: If you say "yes" to this question (that morality is relative), then you'll have to answer the question about whether it is right to tell the Nazis they are wrong about killing 6 million Jews during WWII and, presuming you find this to be wrong, justify why you can condone doing, preventing, or punishing such acts. Also, if you answer "no" to the question on relativity, then what are some of the criteria that objectively apply to all humans, in all places at all times. Be sure to be specific and provide arguments and examples to support your position. Your position can also be supported by using textual evidence. 

Second response summary response.

Note: 1. Your first response is to answer the above question. 2. Your second response is the summary response...


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