question archive Every professional is expected to perform his or her duties as required by the job specification and description

Every professional is expected to perform his or her duties as required by the job specification and description

Subject:ManagementPrice: Bought3

Every professional is expected to perform his or her duties as required by the job specification and description. This therefore calls for the efforts for one-on-one interaction between the different professionals in a company with their mangers, which is mainly aimed at the career development of the individuals. Additionally, in any given organization, employees are subjected to different types of training for them to perform certain specific job functions, which include sales. It is therefore important for our new sales representatives to undertake train, which will aid in gaining of sales representative experience, which is the single most necessity for success in this job position (Lawson, 2002). This email is therefore aimed at the recommendation of training that will be helpful in improving the job experience of the organization’s sales representatives. The overall goal of this recommendation is therefore the motivation of the organization’s current sales representatives as well as the new ones in enhancing their career development.

Mr. Munoz, this training has several objectives, which include strengthening of employee morale, improvement of the employee productivity, reduce turnover rates and operations costs, boost the organization’s employees’ sales expertise, and intensifying the company’s client relationships. Upon the completion of this training session, the organization’s employees will have mastered their skill and knowledge to apply them in sales. Additionally, the sales representatives of our company will be better placed in making rational decisions, comprehend the creation of the products, as well as use the company’s products, which are all very vital in sales. In addition, the sales representatives will be able to help our customers in making critical decisions with regard to the products of the competitors (Sheckley, Keeton, & Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (U.S.), 2001). The of the training sessions or classes will consist information on the products of our competitors regarding product performance, development, and cost.

In our organization, we might encounter performance problems and thus training will be helpful if our sales representatives have the knowledge on how to perform their duties. It is critical, therefore, that our company’s management provide feedback to these employees with regards to job performance. This will play an importance role in ensuring that the employees comprehend their respective job responsibilities. The management should provide performance reviews two times a week so as to help these employees to get a better understanding of the required job standards.

In this training, the first session will be made up of groups of 35 newly employed sales representatives and diversity will be included. Members of these groups will be well acquitted with the information on customer service. However, since they are new, they lack the vital experience of sales expertise. The ages of the group members will be between 20 and 35 years with an Associate Degree in the field of Business Management or high school diploma.

I would also love to recommend that the training of these sales representatives will be provided in an outside institution in the first three weeks. After the three weeks are over, the last one week will involve in-office training within our company. I would also propose that our sales representatives undertake this training at a time when the company’s sales are low. The training will be helpful in ensuring that our sales representatives become more efficient in performing their duties. It will also place our sales representatives in a better position in dealing with customer complaints and issues. It will also enables out sales representatives to answer customer questions adequately and process returns. Generally, our sales representatives will be able to represent the organization well and create a better image of the company through good customer relations.


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