question archive 1) What is Freud's theory of ID, Ego and Superego? Give examples how each one plays out in your life

1) What is Freud's theory of ID, Ego and Superego? Give examples how each one plays out in your life

Subject:PsychologyPrice: Bought3

1) What is Freud's theory of ID, Ego and Superego? Give examples how each one plays out in your life.

2. Do you think the Oedipus Complex is a legitimate theory? Why or why not?

3. On page 472 there is a list of defense mechanisms. Choose three defense mechanisms you use the most and describe.

4. Based upon Carl Jung's theories, describe your "persona," "shadow" and "anima/animus"' 

5. Based upon Carl Rogers' theory, when have you experienced "conditions of worth"? How has it affected you? How is "unconditional positive regard" healing and the best parental approach?


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