question archive New Perspectives PowerPoint 2016 Modules 1-2: SAM Capstone Project 1a Dodi Taitus             1

New Perspectives PowerPoint 2016 Modules 1-2: SAM Capstone Project 1a Dodi Taitus             1

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New Perspectives PowerPoint 2016 Modules 1-2: SAM Capstone Project 1a

Dodi Taitus



You are helping San Diego County highlight the accomplishments of The Noise Community Foundation, which distributes donated musical instruments to young people, forms orchestras and bands, and performs concerts.
Begin by applying the custom theme from the file Support_NP_PPT16_CS1-2a_CustomNoise.pptx, available for download from the SAM website, to all slides in the presentation.



Apply a custom theme from another presentation.

The presentaion should be formatted using the Parcel theme from the file Support_NP_PPT16_CS1-2a_CustomNoise.pptx.



On Slide 1 (no title), type THE NOISE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION as the slide title, and type Our Mission Is Musical as the subtitle.



Enter text in a title.



Enter text in a subtitle.



On Slide 2 (“OUR HISTORY”), insert and format a picture to illustrate the history of the organization as follows:
a. In the content placeholder, insert the picture file Support_NP_PPT16_CS1-2a_Beach.jpg, available for download from the SAM website.
b. Apply the Rotated, White picture style to the picture you just inserted.



Insert a picture in a content placeholder.



Apply a picture style.



With Slide 2 still displaying, modify the bulleted list as follows:
a. Insert a copyright symbol (©) immediately after text “Beach” in the last bulleted entry. (Hint: Do not add space after “h”.)
b. Italicize the text “Arts on the Beach” in the last bulleted entry.



Insert a symbol.



Italicize text.



On Slide 3 (“OUR DONATION TEMPO”), create and edit SmartArt as follows:
a. Convert the bulleted list on the left to SmartArt using the Vertical Bullet List layout, shown in Figure 1 in the Instructions file, from the List section of the SmartArt gallery.
b. In the third list item, edit the text “Fees” to Payment. (Hint: Do not type the period.)



Convert a bulleted list to SmartArt.



Edit text in a SmartArt shape.



With Slide 3 still displaying, enter and format text as follows:
a. In the content placeholder on the right, type Costs as the placeholder title.
b. Use the Format Painter to copy the formatting from the text “Sources” to the text “Costs”.



Enter text in a placeholder.



Use the Format Painter.



On Slide 4 ("THE INSTRUMENT DRIVE"), insert and format a shape as follows:
a. In the area to the right of the bulleted list, insert a Flowchart: Display shape from the Flowchart section of the Shapes gallery. (Hint: Refer to Figure 2 in the Instructions file, if necessary.)
b. Resize the shape to a height of 1.0" and a width of 4.5".
c. Type the text Call to arrange a pickup in the shape.
d. Apply the Intense Effect - Blue-Gray, Accent 1 shape style.
e. Use Smart Guides to align the middle of the shape with the middle of the bulleted list text box and to align the right edge of the shape with the right edge of the title text box, as shown in Figure 2 in the Instructions file.



Insert a shape.



Resize a shape.



Add text to a shape.



Apply a shape style.

On Slide 4, The Flowchart: Display shape should have the Intense Effect - Blue-Gray, Accent 1 shape style from the Shape Styles gallery.



Move a shape.



On Slide 5 (“ETUDE IN FUNDRAISING”), modify and format the table as follows:
a. Apply the Medium Style 3 - Accent 1 table style to the table.
b. Resize the height of the top row to 0.5".
c. Add a fifth row to the bottom of the table containing t-shirt sales data, as shown in Table 1 in the Instructions file.



Apply a table style.



Resize a table row.

On the slide titled "ETUDE IN FUNDRAISING", the first row in the table should be 0.5'' high.



Add a new row to a table.



Move Slide 5 so it becomes Slide 6.



Move a slide.



On the new Slide 5 (“THE INSTRUMENT PETTING ZOO”), increase the indent of the “String” and “Brass” bullets by one level to show that they are part of the “Identify and explore instrument families” category.



Change the indent level of a list item.



Change the indent level of a list item.



With Slide 5 still displaying, add interest using animations as follows:
a. Remove the animation from the title text box.
b. Apply the Random Bars Entrance animation to the bulleted list.
c. Change the direction of the animation to Vertical.
d. Use the Animation Painter to copy the animation settings from the bulleted list to the picture.
e. Reorder the animations so the animation for the picture plays first.
f. Change the Duration setting of the picture animation to 1.00.
g. Change the Delay setting of the bulleted list animation to 00.50.



Remove the animation from the title.



Animate a list.



Change the direction of an animation.



Use the Animation Painter.



Reorder animations.



Change the duration of an animation.



Change the delay of an animation.



On Slide 7 (“PRELUDE TO HARMONY”), insert a video as follows:
a. Use the content placeholder to insert the video Support_NP_PPT16_CS1-2a_Tuneup.mp4, available for download from the SAM website.
b. Set the video to start automatically.
c. Set the video to rewind after playing.
d. Change the volume to Medium.



Insert video in a content placeholder.



Change the video Start option.



Set a video to rewind a video after playing.



Change the volume.



On Slide 8 (“POPULAR RIFFS”), use the content placeholder to insert a table with two columns and four rows, and then enter the data shown in Table 2 in the Instructions file.
a. Apply the Medium Style 3 - Accent 1 table style to the inserted table.



Insert a table.



Enter text in a table cell.



Enter text in a table cell.



Enter text in a table cell.



Enter text in a table cell.



Enter text in a table cell.



Enter text in a table cell.



Enter text in a table cell.



Enter text in a table cell.



Apply a table style.



Insert a new Slide 9 using the Title Only layout.
a. Type MUSIC CHANGES LIVES as the slide title.
b. Change the font to Candara.
c. Change the font size to 40 pt.
d. Change the font color to Teal, Accent 5, Darker 25% (9th column, 5th row of the Theme Colors palette).



Insert a new slide.



Enter text in a title placeholder.



Change the font.



Change the font size of text.



Change the font color of text.



On the new Slide 9 (“MUSIC CHANGES LIVES”), insert and format a picture to illustrate the organization as follows:
a. Without using a content placeholder, insert the picture file Support_NP_PPT16_CS1-2a_Instruments.jpg, available for download from the SAM website.
b. Resize the picture to a height of 4.5". The width should automatically adjust to approximately 9.8".
c. Crop the picture to the Wave shape from the Stars and Banners section of the Crop to Shape gallery.
d. Use align commands to center the picture horizontally on the slide and align it with the bottom of the slide.



Insert a picture.



Resize a picture.



Crop a picture.



Move a picture.



Delete Slide 10 (“HISTORY OF THE NOISE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION”) because its information appears on other slides.



Delete a slide.



On the new Slide 10 (“KEEPING THE BEAT”), remove the hyperlink from the email address “”.



Remove a hyperlink.



With Slide 10 still displaying, type the following notes for the speaker in the Notes pane: Remember, music can change lives



Insert a speaker note.



Insert a footer as follows:
a. Display the slide number.
b. Enter the following footer text:
Celebrate Our Noise
c. Show the footer on all slides except the title slide. (Hint: Use the Don’t show on title slide check box in the Header and Footer dialog box.)



Display the slide number in a slide footer.



Display a slide footer.



Toggle the footer on the title slide.



Apply the Wipe transition effect to all slides in the presentation.



Apply a transition to all slides in a presentation.



On Slide 9 (“MUSIC CHANGES LIVES”) only, change the transition effect as follows:
a. Apply the Split transition effect to Slide 9.
b. Change the transition effect to Horizontal Out.
c. Change the duration of the transition to 1.75.



Apply a transition to a single slide.



Change a transition effect.



Change the duration of a slide transition.



Check the Spelling in the presentation to identify and correct any spelling errors. (Hint: You should find and correct at least one spelling error. Ignore proper nouns.)



Run a spell check.


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