question archive (2021SP1-MGMT-6045-01) Global Leadership Competencies M4D4 Use the readings (Managing Cultural Differences) as much as possible to corroborate your response

(2021SP1-MGMT-6045-01) Global Leadership Competencies M4D4 Use the readings (Managing Cultural Differences) as much as possible to corroborate your response

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(2021SP1-MGMT-6045-01) Global Leadership Competencies


Use the readings (Managing Cultural Differences) as much as possible to corroborate your response.


Read the case: Collaboration or confrontation between two executives then discuss the following questions in light of the readings and the situation described in the case.

  1. Compare and contrast German and American cultural aspects. Evaluate the impact of German culture on the problems set forth in the case.

  2. Develop a profile of Mr. Richardson and Herr Wallenburg for use in recommending a strategy for the upcoming meeting between the two presidents.

  3. Discuss the conflict between Wendland and its supplier, Medici. How could Wendland have resolved the situation at an earlier point? Evaluate options available to Wendland to settle the controversy with Medici. Should NAIM step in to address the problem?

  4. Identify several alternatives available to NAIM to deal with the conflict with Wendland. Select one of the these and develop a strategy for Mr. Richardson's meeting with Herr Wallenburg.

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