question archive The comparison between the U

The comparison between the U

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The comparison between the U.S education system with other countries

All recognize that education systems vary from country to country. The United States, like any other nation, has undergone significant educational reforms, including the transition from the 6-3-3-4 to the current 9-3-4 system. Universal Basic Education is the name of the new educational framework (UBE). Any child must complete nine years of general and mandatory education up to Junior High School (JSS-3), three years of Higher Secondary School, and four years of higher education under the current educational system. The three levels of education in the United States are junior high school, higher school, and higher education (campus) (Helen 203-227). In the United States, formal education lasts 12 years before a child reaches the age of 18. According to Ken, in his article Teaching and Teacher Education, the education system in the United States differs significantly from that in other nations, as this paper explains in detail. Individual learners' general foundations are shaped by what is integrated into their education.

In the United States, children start school later.

Other G-20 nations' little kids are more likely than those in the United States to start kindergarten early (Mabaso et al., 1-8According to a survey, eight out of ten learners in Paris, Ireland, Holland, and Great Britain had enrolled in formal schooling by the age of three or four.

The United States, on the other hand, did not enroll 95 percent of its students until they were six years old.

Just five G-20 countries had a higher participation rate for 3-4 year-olds than the United States, like Thailand and Germany. Preschool attendance is 72% in the Russian Empire, for example.

Students in the United States are said to find learning tedious.

Based on a set of questionnaire surveys given to 4th-grade learners internationally in 10 states (Love et al., 204-216), the NCES report found that girls predominantly recorded enjoying studying more than boys). Participants were asked if studying is tedious, if they study since they have to, and if they would enjoy getting a book as a gift. The gender gap in America was 14 percentage points in this instance, which was in the middle of the pack. The study's most surprising finding just how little enthusiasm American kids have in studying in particular: only 34% of girls and 22% of boys said they enjoy studying. Only girls in Rome and Belarus and boys in London and Bahrain recorded less satisfaction from reading than learners in the United States. Surprisingly, in the United States, more boys and girls said they were encouraged to read than said they disliked it. While gender differences in school reading achievement will play a role, instructors might have to engage both boys and girls in the discipline more to inculcate a lifelong love of learning.

In fourth grade, 45%of girls and 46% of boys said mathematics was enjoyable, suggesting statistically highly significant gap and a satisfaction level in the middle of the international squad (Helen 203-227). Less than half of American learners said they enjoyed mathematics by middle school, but this is on par with or marginally higher than in other nations. There is no difference in enthusiasm between boys and girls.

There are more reading experts in the United States than in other countries.

According to a survey, American tutors are much more probable than teachers in other nations to say that an improving cognitive is often available to help students with trouble reading (Mabaso et al., 1-8).

With the exception of Australia and the United Kingdom, American tutors were often least likely to wait for students to improve their reading skills.

Reading teachers in the United States, like those in most other developed countries, said they were satisfied with their employment, but it's important to note that the US does have one of the largest drops in job satisfaction of teachers in any G-20 country since 2008. The number of 4th-grade learners coached by a "very happy" reading instructor, on the other hand, dropped by 25% in 2012.

Education options

Many nations' school systems, according to research, vary greatly from what occurs in the U.S and other countries have proprietary or Christian schools that can obtain government funds and are subject to national testing, pedagogy, and pay rates for teachers. The United States, on the other hand, stresses federalization and the separation between governmental and non - governmental options. On the other hand, many other nations have proprietary or Christian schools that are qualified for government funds and have state exams, pedagogy, and tutor pay rates (Mohammed et al., 1-31).

Spite of having a federal structure equivalent to the U. S., Germany, for example, has national assessments. Governmental and non - governmental schools in Holland, on the other hand, are financed using a unified, centrally specified model. This isn't to suggest that getting state exams is preferable to not having them. Nonetheless, unlike many other regions, it is clear that the education system in this country does not seem to be one that other nations look to as a model.

In the United States, socioeconomic status plays a greater role than in other nations.

Socioeconomic disparities between students account for 16% of the variance in American test scores. Socioeconomic variations account for less than 12% of score variance in countries like Hong Kong, Japan, and Norway (Ken 1544-1552).

In addition, the United States has a smaller proportion of resilient learners,’ who are described as "students who are among the 27 percent most socioeconomically disadvantaged students but perform far better than would have been expected by their socioeconomic class." Resilient learners account for about 16% of all students.

The United States of America is having difficulty with mathematics.

The United States ranked 27th out of 35 OECD countries in an international ranking of OECD countries, scoring below the PISA mathematics mean (Ken 1544-1552). The math score in the United States is statistically similar to that of Norway, Hungary, and Spain, among other countries.

On the PISA test, about 12% of students scored at the highest or second-highest level, indicating that they are 'top performers.' Just 10% of American students were deemed top performers, compared to 56 percent of Shangai, China.

In the United States, one out of every five students did not meet the PISA minimum level two of mathematics competence. According to the PISA report, learners start to exhibit skills that enable them to participate actively and efficiently in life at this level. In addition, as compared to students in other countries, the best students in the United States are falling behind in mathematics.


The effect and influence of education, depending on how organized it is and how it is delivered to learners, has a significant impact on society and the nation. Many people have been opposing the United States' educational system for years. It has been noted that it lags behind several other developing countries (Love et al., 204-216).

Many American students dislike studying and have poor academic records is the most common accusation leveled at the educational system in the United States. Despite arriving late to school, the public assumes that students from the United States underperform and spend less time in class (Mabaso et al., 1-8).

Moreover, many people believe that teachers in the United States do not receive the same degree of respect and satisfaction as teachers in other countries, nor do they have the same earning potential. Although certain aspects of the education system in the United States should be improved, the design, as discussed in the report, is more successful in the global community than people believe.

Annotated Bibliography

Ladd, Helen F. "Education, and Poverty: Confronting the evidence." Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 31.2 (2012): 203-227.

Concerning students, this journal investigates the distinction and near connection between education and poverty or social status. It has been extremely useful in presenting accurate information and facts on the subject at hand.

Love, Hailey R., and Eva Horn. "Definition, context, quality: Current issues in research examining high-quality inclusive education." Topics in Early Childhood Special Education 40.4 (2021): 204-216.

This book discusses the age at which most children in the United States begin school, and the information was crucial in developing the plot of the research issue.

Mabaso, Calvin M., and Bongani I. Dlamini. "Total rewards and its effects on organizational commitment in higher education institutions." SA Journal of Human Resource Management 16.1 (2018): 1-8.

This article is primarily made up of data on the United States' socioeconomic status, which is commonly used to measure students' academic success from various social groups. It has proven to be extremely useful in locating information on the research subject.

Mohammed, Atheer Abdullah, Abdul Hafeez-Baig, and Raj Gururajan. "Talent management as a core source of innovation and social development in higher education." Innovations in Higher Education-Cases on Transforming and Advancing Practice. London: IntechOpen, 2018. 1-31.

This source was extremely helpful in answering the research query. It contains comprehensive information about how different students feel about education and their perspectives on it.

Zeichner, Ken. "Competition, economic rationalization, increased surveillance, and attacks on diversity: Neo-liberalism and the transformation of teacher education in the US." Teaching and Teacher Education 26.8 (2010): 1544-1552.

This article contains extensive information about teacher studies conducted in the United States for many years. It has had a significant impact on the research issue, especially on the wages and satisfaction of teachers.


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