question archive Milestone One Worksheet - Do you have this paper available ? my teacher did not like me using case studies from his paper

Milestone One Worksheet - Do you have this paper available ? my teacher did not like me using case studies from his paper

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Milestone One Worksheet - Do you have this paper available ? my teacher did not like me using case studies from his paper.

Please table to add context to your responses in the Research Methods table below. Your instructor will provide feedback.

List the title and author of the article you chose.

Food Environments and Obesity: Household Diet Expenditure Versus Food Dessert

Chen, D., Jaenicke, E. C., & Volpe, R. J. (2016).

Describe the purpose of the study.

The purpose of the Study was to examine the relationship between food and obesity in their home and their surrounding community.

What is the research question in the study?

Is there a link between food desert communities and rapid rising rates of obesity?

What is the hypothesis of the study?

If there are food deserts in the community then there will be a high level of obesity.

Research Methods: In this section of your analysis, you will take a deep dive into the research methods used by the authors of the study you chose to analyze. It is important that you are able to identify, describe, and discuss the data collection and data analysis methodology used by the researchers.

Important: Once you receive instructor feedback on this table, you will use it to inform the writing of the Research Methods section in paragraph form for the submission of your final project in Module Seven.

Research Methods Table

Critical Element

Response to the Critical Element

One Example

Identify whether the study design is experimental or observational. Support your identification with examples from the study.

This is an observational study since they read different studies and comparing results.

The study (Comancing C.)

Finding a link between supersized Walmart and high obesity rates in the surrounding community.

Identify the methods used to collect the data and explain why the methods are appropriate based on the research question.

Methods used was reviewing previous documented studies looking at the data set up and comparing each outcome and looking for inconsistencies, and

consistencies on the outcome.

Used studies (Steven & Pinardi) had families write down items in their kitchen by using sampling surveys

Identify the data collected as quantitative or categorical. Support your identification with examples from the study.

I think this study may be using both the categorical and quantitative and will explain in the examples.

I believe it uses food categories to study what families are spending their money are, and table where the individuals BMI are measures. Also uses a formula that measures distances between homes and grocery stores and restaurants

Discuss the potential weaknesses of the data collection methods used. Support your discussion with examples from the study

The weakness of the data collection methods used is that the authors were not involved in any of the studies and would not be able to validate the accuracy of each case study.

When questions are asked, and families are asked to recall information about their spending habits and memory recall may not always be accurate for food consumption frequencies. (Steven, B)

Identify the data analysis methods used and explain why the methods are appropriate based on the research question.

The data analysis methods used was effective because it showed a static relationship between the two variables of food deserts and rapid rising obesity levels,

The method of data collection in the multiply studies had to meet USDA poverty levels and more than a mile from a local grocery stores (USDA food deserts 2014)

Discuss the potential weaknesses of the data analysis methods used. Support your discussion with examples from the study.

The potential weakness of the analysis method was weight and height were asked by a questionnaire.

Individuals are not completely honest about their statical stats of height and weight.

Describe the key demographics of the population sampled and identify the inclusion and exclusion criteria for participants.

The key demographics overall was low income, overweight, and obesity according to USDA standards, contained adults over 18, and children 2 to 17 years old who lived over 1 mile from a grocery store.  The inclusion would be limited families whose distance was less than one mile

In the study by Volpe and Okrent food used the CNNP to evaluate the families food categories, and Iri Consumer Panel.


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