question archive Below is the upper triangle of a symmetric distance matrix for ospA sequences from 5 species of Borellia: A B
Subject:BiologyPrice: Bought3
Below is the upper triangle of a symmetric distance matrix for ospA
sequences from 5 species of Borellia:
A B. valaisiana CP009119:43854-44678 Asia
B B. garnii X80256 Europe
C B. afzelii U20356 Europe
D B. burgdorferi NC_001857:9457-10278 N.America
E B. bissettii AF230516 N.America
A 0.98 0.94 0.89 0.99
B 0.19 0.18 0.19
C 0.17 0.15
D 0.11
a) Construct a UPGMA Tree for these sequences. Report the tree in newick format. At each step where you combine two nodes and calculate their distance to theremaining nodes, report
furthest pairwise distance from the new node to any other
node.(i.e AC - B @ 0.64)
b) In your tree, do North American Borrelia species form a
monophyletic group.
c) Propose an evolutionary history which would explain the tree
you observe.