question archive Requirements of the JAVA program: Menu requirement: Your task is to start building a virtual car dealership
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Requirements of the JAVA program:
Menu requirement: Your task is to start building a virtual car dealership. This will be a two-phased project. Second phase will be your last project of the semester.
1. Assume that you are only starting your dealership with 2 cars.
2. You need to build a menu that allows users to enter options. Possible options are 1 for "Add vehicles", 2 for "Display all vehicles" and 0 for "Quit. HINT: you can use switch statement to switch on int input
a. Invalid input should throw a message for the user. Example: Invalid input, please try again
b. Menu should be done on a while loop with 0 as the exit condition
3. Option 1(Add Vehicle) should ask 5 questions and capture 5 datapoints for each car. HINT: You will use scanner in a for loop to capture all inputs for vehicles. You will only have to loop twice since you only have 2 cars. Phase II will add more to your lot
4. Option 2(Display all vehicles) should call a display method from car class to display all cars
5. Option 0(Quit) should take you out of the loop and program should end
Class requirement:
a. You will have to have a parent class called 'vehicle'. This class will have:
-3 private fields: Make(String), Model (String), Year(int)
-1 display method to display the 3 fields
-1 constructor to set values for the 3 fields based on user input. Hint: This method will have 3 parameters
You will have a child class called 'car'. HINT- extend it from vehicle
-2 private fields: Doors(int), Price(int)
-1 display method to display all 5 fields. HINT: call parent display method using super. first then print Doors and Price
-1 constructor to set values for the 5 fields based on user input. HINT: This method will have 5 parameters and you'll have to call parent constructor first using super. By passing 5 parameters
1. This class will have your main() method and call the car class by creating car object
2. Array: first thing you'll do in main is define an array of type car. You can user the number 2 within [] to make sure you can only hold 2 car info.
3. You will be printing the menu in the main method right after this
4. You will scan for input for the menu like you normally would
5. Once you have the input, you'll start your while loop. HINT- exit on 0
6. Within this while loop you'll have a switch case just like project 2
Case 1: a. You will need a for loop here with only 2 loops
b. Will ask the users for 2 vehicle info: Make, Model, Year, Doors and Price. It will store after each ask and capture
c. Once 5 values are captures for vehicle1, you'll store the info as Array elements. HINT: myarray[i] = new car(make, model, year, doors, price). Here i will change to 0 and 1 due to the for loop
Case 2: a. You will need another for loop with only 2 loops
b. You'll call the display method from car class. HINT myarray[i].displaycars. Here i will change to 0 and 1 due to the for loop
Case 0: You'll simply break like you did in project 2
HINT: Before exiting the while loop you'll have to print the menu again and do one more scan to capture the menu option
Error handling requirement: a. Please add try/catch blocks for all your user inputs
b. If user inputs invalid data then catch block should display appropriate message to ask user for correct values
Expected output:
***Auto Dealership***
1 -- Add Vehicle
2 -- Display All Vehicles
0 -- Quit
please enter make:
please enter model:
please enter year:
please enter doors:
please enter price:
please enter make:
please enter model:
please enter year:
please enter doors:
please enter price:
***Auto Dealership***
1 -- Add Vehicle
2 -- Display All Vehicles
0 -- Quit
Make: ford
Model: mustang
Year: 2010
Doors: 4
Price: 12000
Make: toyota
Model: supra
Year: 2015
Doors: 2
Price: 16000
***Auto Dealership***
1 -- Add Vehicle
2 -- Display All Vehicles
0 -- Quit
PART 1 ==>> Class diagram for both vehicle and car classes
PART 2 ==>> The Java program itself
Java program: 175 points
Purchased 12 times