question archive Amazon Fresh is a grocery delivery service that offers consumers the option of purchasing their groceries online and having them delivered on schedule

Amazon Fresh is a grocery delivery service that offers consumers the option of purchasing their groceries online and having them delivered on schedule

Subject:WritingPrice:2.87 Bought8

Amazon Fresh is a grocery delivery service that offers consumers the option of purchasing their groceries online and having them delivered on schedule. The Amazon Fresh team is planning a route for a delivery truck to deliver customer orders in the city of Techlandia. The planner will create a delivery area for each order to effectively plan the route. The area is abstracted as a grid. Not all locations are accessible by road. The truck only needs to make a single delivery.

write an algorithm to determine the minimum distance required for the truck to deliver the order.


Some places in the delivery area cannot be accessed by the driver, as there are no roads in those locations.

The delivery area can be represented as a two dimensional grid of integers, where each Integer represents one cell.

The truck must start from the top-left corner of the area, which is always accessible and can move one cell up, down, left or right at a


The truck must navigate around the areas without roads and cannot leave the area. The accessible areas are represented as 1, areas without roads are represented by 0 and the order destination is represented by 9.


The input to the function/method consists of

one argument:

area, representing the two dimensional grid of integers.


Return an integer representing the total distance traversed to deliver the order else

return -1.


1<=rows, columns <=10^3



area =

[[1, 0, 0],

[1, 0, 0],

[1, 9, 1]]




Starting from the top-left corner, the truck traversed the cells (0,0) - (1,0)-> (2,0) -- (2,1). The truck traversed the total distance to deliver the order

So, the output is 3,

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