question archive Students will analyse a beam under the action of a uniformly distributed loading of 12 kN/m

Students will analyse a beam under the action of a uniformly distributed loading of 12 kN/m

Subject:Civil EngineeringPrice: Bought3

Students will analyse a beam under the action of a uniformly distributed loading of 12 kN/m. The beam will be considered as A) A beam having rectangular crass-section b= 220 , h= 370 , t= 50 , w: 60 ,L= 5200 , (1: US , k=170 , I“: 27 ,E(gpa)= 9 , v= 0.33 2 3|: B cantilevered beam It E L Beam with l I: Meshing Suggestion 5‘ rectangular k f“ Rm“ cross-section f Cross-section You should compare the Shear Stresses and Shear Strains at cross-section A (See Figure 2) and Normal (Bending) Stresses and Normal Strains at _ (See Figure 2) along the height (vertical centroidal line) of the cross-sections for each beam of each group. Values should be calculated at each node on the cross-section along the vertical centroids] line as suggested in Figure 5. Comparison should be presented by both a graphical and tabular manner. Also, the vertical displacement at — and slope at cross-section A should be calculated and compared on the beams. For the truss, vertical displacement of a node on the mid-length (or mid—bay) of the truss and normal stress in an upper cord located at the mid—length (or mid—bay) of the truss should be calculated and compared.



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