question archive You are responsible for minimally at least 3 posts for each question in your discussion boards; your initial post and reply to two of your classmates

You are responsible for minimally at least 3 posts for each question in your discussion boards; your initial post and reply to two of your classmates

Subject:Health SciencePrice: Bought3

You are responsible for minimally at least 3 posts for each question in your discussion boards; your initial post and reply to two of your classmates. Your initial post(s) should be your response to the questions posed in the discussion question. You should research your answer and cite at least one scholarly source when appropriate, and always use quality writing. The discussion board is never a place to use text language or emoticons. You will also be asked to respond to your classmates. This is designed to enhance the academic discussion around the topic. It is all right to disagree with something posted by another, however your responses should always be thoughtful and respectful and reflect your opinions professionally.

Discussion Question:

In general, what findings in the physical assessment of a healthy older adult do you expect to be different than that of a healthy 35-year-old?

DQ1 UMBO – 2DQ1 PLG – 5DQ1 CLO – 6

When you are ready for the discussion, do the following:

400 words


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