question archive (20) Z-scores can be used to compare the relative standing of values from two different populations or two different scales

(20) Z-scores can be used to compare the relative standing of values from two different populations or two different scales

Subject:MathPrice:2.86 Bought8

(20) Z-scores can be used to compare the relative standing of values from two different populations or two different scales. For example, how do we compare one student's SAT score with another student's ACT score to find our who performed better? (Two different tests)


Mean SAT score= µ SAT= 1500, Std. Deviation for SAT= ????SAT= 300

Mean ACT score= µ ACT= 21, Std. Deviation for ACT= ????ACT= 5

 Student A scores 1800 on SAT and student B scores 24 on ACT. Compare the performance of Student A vs Student B

(a)Calculate the Z score for student A

(b)Calculate the Z-score for student B


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