question archive is the mass per unit of volume of a substance

is the mass per unit of volume of a substance

Subject:ChemistryPrice: Bought3

is the mass per unit of volume of a substance. Density is measured in mass units over volume units. In this problem, the mass unit is grams, and the volume unit is ##"cm"^3##. The density formula is:

##"density"## = ##"mass"/"volume"##

Your question is asking you to find the mass of a sample of silver with a known density and volume.

Known/Given: density = ##"10.5g/cm"^3## volume = ##"24.0cm"^3##

Formula: ##"density"## = ##"mass"/"volume"##

Solution: Using the density formula to solve for mass, the formula is re-written as ##"mass"## = ##"density"## x ##"volume"##

##"mass"## = ##"10.5g"/"cm"^3## x ##"24.0cm"^3## = ##"252g"##

The volume unit ##"cm"^3## cancels, leaving mass in grams, and the mass of the sample of silver is ##"252g"##.


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