question archive Question) For the last few days, you have been taking care of Mr
Subject:NursingPrice:3.86 Bought9
Question) For the last few days, you have been taking care of Mr. Smith, a 30 years old patient with end stage cystic fibrosis. You have developed a caring relationship with Mr. Smith and his wife. They are both aware of the prognosis of his disease and realize that he has only a short time left to live. When Dr. William made rounds with you this morning, she told Mrs. Smith that Mr. Smith could be discharged today if his condition remains stable. They were both excited about the news because they had been urging the doctor to let him go home to enjoy his remaining time surrounded by things he loves. When you bring in Mr. Smith's discharge order to his room in order to review his medications and other treatments, you find Mrs. Smith assisting Mr. Smith as he coughs up bright red blood. When you confront them, they both beg you not to tell the doctor or chart the incident because they do not want their discharge to be delayed. They believe that it is their right to go home and let Mr. Smith die surrounded by his family. They said that they know that they can leave against their physician's wishes and go home AMA( against medical advice), but if they do, their insurance will not pay for home care.
(1) What is your duty in this case?
(2) What are Mr. Smith's right?
(3) Is it ever justified to withhold information from the physician?
(4) Will you chart the incident and will you report it to anyone?
(5) Solve this case, justifying your decision by using ethical principles( Veracity, fidelity, beneficence, etc.). Need reference cited.
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