question archive 1) Discuss how psychological first aid is different from crisis therapy
Subject:PsychologyPrice: Bought3
1) Discuss how psychological first aid is different from crisis therapy. Who is likely to perform psychological first aid versus crisis therapy?
2) Describe the eight-core actions published in the field manual titled Psychological First Aid: Field Operations Guidepublished by the National Center for PTSD.
. Contact and Engagement Goal: To respond to contacts initiated by sur- vivors, or to initiate contacts in a nonintrusive, compassionate, and helpful manner.
2. Safety and Comfort Goal: To enhance immediate and ongoing safety, and provide physical and emotional comfort.
3. Stabilization (if needed) Goal: To calm and orient emotionally over- whelmed or disoriented survivors.
4. Information Gathering: Current Needs and Concerns Goal: To identify immediate needs and concerns, gather additional information, and tailor psycho- logical first aid interventions.
5. Practical Assistance Goal: To offer practical help to survivors in ad- dressing immediate needs and concerns.
6. Connection with Social Supports Goal: To help establish brief or ongoing contacts with primary support persons and other sources of support, including family members, friends, and community helping resources.
7. Information on Coping Goal: To provide information about stress reac- tions and coping to reduce distress and promote adaptive functioning.
8. Linkage with Collaborative Services Goal: To link survivors with available services needed at the time or in the future.