question archive Examples of organized crime in the United States include drug trafficking, smuggling of migrants, money laundering, weapons trafficking, illicit gaming extortion of counterfeit products, wildlife, and cybercrime

Examples of organized crime in the United States include drug trafficking, smuggling of migrants, money laundering, weapons trafficking, illicit gaming extortion of counterfeit products, wildlife, and cybercrime

Subject:LawPrice:4.86 Bought12

Examples of organized crime in the United States include drug trafficking, smuggling of migrants, money laundering, weapons trafficking, illicit gaming extortion of counterfeit products, wildlife, and cybercrime.

What factors contribute to the criminal enterprise are dependent on the context and where they live in poverty, parental neglect, low confidence, alcohol and substance addiction may be the explanation why people break the law or have been raised in an atmosphere that raises the risk of breaking the law or of having a family criminal background in the past.

The way the United States criminal justice system the way it deals with crimes is focused on in 1970 the Racketeer influenced and corrupt organization act which is a federal law intended to fight organized crime in us because it gives us the right to prosecution and civil penalties for racketeering for this activity such as illicit gambling, bribing, child abduction are examples and is how the united states are dealing with criminal activity.

The law enforcement organizations that are involved are the FBI that specializes in dismantling transnational organized crime groups that pose a danger to the national and economic security of the United States and the police department, as well as helping to protect the community and lock them up if they break the law and detain people on a regular basis, and I feel that the criminal justice system is failing us because of a lot of people are getting killed by a police officer has increased each year and getting away with it. 

I believe that law enforcement authorities are trying to monitor organized crime by ensuring that as many people as possible are kept away from crimes in order to minimize the possibility of people getting detained, it also depends on whether the police will locate a person under investigation to make sure that if crimes such as Kidnapping and Murder are identified, they will be arrested and able to get peace from the person who was murder and for kidnapping to feel safe again without being scared someone is going to take them again so FBI and Police work together to protect us from criminals.

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