question archive Introduction Please briefly describe the objective of this study

Introduction Please briefly describe the objective of this study

Subject:BiologyPrice: Bought3

Introduction Please briefly describe the objective of this study. What’s the point? Why is it worth studying? What are you hoping to accomplish? Write this in 3-4 sentences as a business objective for the study. Purpose The.docx#_msocom_1">[WU1] primary purpose of this study was to determine if there is a significant relationship between and . The independent variable was and the dependent variable was . The.docx#_msocom_2">[WU2] secondary purpose of this study was to determine if there is a significant difference in the average between . Research Question and Hypotheses This study sought to answer the following research questions: Research Question 1: What is the relationship between between and . Research Question 2: Is there a difference in average between . I sought to answer the research questions by testing the following null hypotheses: Null Hypothesis for R1: There is no significant relationship between and Alternative Hypothesis for R1: There is a significant relationship between and Null Hypothesis for R2: There is no significant difference between the average in . Alternative Hypothesis for R2: There is a significant difference between the average in . .docx#_msoanchor_1">[WU1]This purpose statement will address the regression analysis .docx#_msoanchor_2">[WU2]This purpose statement will address the T-Test. Remember, you may have to create groups (indicate what is large vs. small and then split the groups) in order to run a two sample t-test. 


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