question archive Japan is the name of my home situated in East Asia, it is a string of islands

Japan is the name of my home situated in East Asia, it is a string of islands

Subject:ManagementPrice: Bought3

Japan is the name of my home situated in East Asia, it is a string of islands. The four most prominent islands are Hokkaido, Kyushu, Chonshu and Shikoku. In North, in South Korea and in China there are 4,000 small islands neighboring Siberia (Aarons). The country is a constitutional monarchy comprising of a constitutionally approved prime minister. He is the Emperor of the entire state. The country has a government, a parliament and a judiciary. The Prime Minister retains the right to appoint members of the cabinet as Chief Executive Officer of the State. He's the President of the Democratic Party of Japan.

Education and Health Systems

Japan's medical system is famous and provides its citizens with free health care. Their universal healthcare system gives people their medical services. Both working and unemployed people are also required to participate in the Health Insurance Scheme. Its statutory health insurance system is supported by 98.3 percent of the population, and the resulting poor individuals are assisted by a public social assistance program. The Japanese education system recognizes 6 years at elementary level, three years at junior and secondary schools as well as two or three years at junior or four years at university. For nine years, everyone must have a binding education. Japan has one of the world's most educated people.

Culture, Economy, and History

Japan has a heritage and heritage interwoven with religion and sport. They have two main convictions, Shinto as well as Buddhism. There are, nevertheless, two sides of their elements of culture: one is inherently deeply embedded in customs and has a newly evolved modernized culture. Japan is the third-largest economy with nominal GDP and the fourth-largest in terms of PPP (Aarons, 2019). Even in view of the Covid19 pandemic, the economy is just 1.2% deep relative to the 2.4% and the 4.8% respectively in the Union and the United States (Wolf). You owe your prosperous economy a rise in external sector and a rise in consumer spending. After two Portuguese merchants in 1543, Japan has a rich history. Different leaders have changed their past and before the name changed in the eighth century Nihon was formerly named. ASF’s Work


The language issue is one of the ASF's issues. Most Japanese speak Japanese, and other languages ("What languages are being spoken in Japan?") know English, French, German, and Russian. This could cause a conflict and a poor communication. The new laws, tax reports and legal issues involved in the implementation of a program in this country will also be a problem. It is also plausible for the locals to not be able to come into their country for assistance from a new and unfamiliar organization. People in my own country will respond in the same way as being cynical of outsiders is a natural human instinct. The group would however warm up the foreigners and welcome them to provide much-needed assistance.

Actionable Remedies

These issues can be resolved by helping translators communicate. Moreover, it would be a good way and break the ice to get a valued elder to introduce the foundation and his position in the group. The organization of workshops and educational programs also would inform local people about the advantages of the system, so they would welcome help. ASF should include local elders into its curriculum for a good program, which will allow local citizens to feel comfortable with the knowledge coming from individuals they trust. The experts can also understand what the local residents feel so they can communicate their messages understandably.

Sources of Conflict of ASF Investing in Japan

The organization's (ASF) investing in Japan has many dispute outlets, which take the form of limitations or, rather, the disadvantages of investing in Japan. The essence of the trade barriers to be expected in the international investment attempt is similar to those expected for international enterprises. The root cause of conflict between the United States and Japan was the Japanese expansion into China. The WAC enabled women to serve in noncombatant positions in the military in 1941.

A worldview problem in Dominican Republic is a violence against women and against immigrants from Haiti. One of the problem with immigration is the Dominican Republic economy is ten time larger than Haiti. The migration of impoverished Haitians and deep-set cultural differences have contributed to a long-standing conflict. In its 2010 report, Amnesty International denounced the Dominican Republic for persistent discrimination against Haitian immigrants and their descendants. These people are the victims of numerous hate crimes that even include lynching, and as illegal immigrants they are exploited in the lab our market. Unofficial estimates put the number of Haitians in the country at 800,000 and nearly all of them live in the poorest areas (Santo Domingo: 2010). Japan also deal with Violence against Women According to the survey, there were 119,276 domestic violence cases in fiscal 2019, which ended in March 2020, with Tokyo leading the way with 19,868. the number of women contacting domestic violence services in Japan had been on the rise for 16 consecutive years, reaching an all-time high in 2019. With people confined to their homes under the pandemic in the last few months, many more women reached out for help. Over 13,000 women reported that they experienced domestic violence in April alone, which is 1.3 times higher than in the same period last year. Like all statistics on domestic violence, however, incidences can be vastly under-reported, especially because seeking help for "family matters" is still a taboo in Japanese society.In April, a famous Japanese actor, Makoto Sakamoto, was arrested on suspicion of domestic violence. He allegedly assaulted his wife and her mother in their Tokyo home. In May, Japanese TV martial artist Bobby Olugun made headlines after he was arrested for punching his wife in the face at their residence, reportedly in front of their three children (Suki Chung Aug,2020).

High Levels of Bureaucracy

It can be difficult to follow the procedures required if you are not used to the high level of bureaucracy in Japan. Before such a significant opening for an agency is achieved, several various levels of government oversight must be pursued. You are going to have to talk to the tax office, the local tax office, labor inspection standards, and the retirement service, the Ward, the Legal Affairs Office and the Public Safety Office. Each department needs to include those rules or processes in your organizational structure before you are allowed to move to the next level.

Delays in The Process of Construction

In Japan, the majority of companies who want to start business plan to rent real estate and construct new buildings instead of buying them because of delays in issuing permits. The average time required in the country to grant a building permit is nearly 200 days, which is significantly higher than the average of the world's 30+ developed nations right now. Before you obtain approval, there are 14 unique steps to navigate for municipal authorities and government agencies that want specific results.

A Lot of Time Is Used in Japan for The Corporate Tax System.

The Japan Tax Code is another victim of government bureaucracy at every level. The Bank positions the Japan as 123rd in its total structure when it comes to all countries, one among the worst nations in the developing world due to its corporate taxation system.

The preparation of tax returns for a company requires an average of 330 hours per year for management. Per year an organization must remain in conformity with this arrangement also receive 14 payments. Also corporate tax rates are relatively high at 30%, particularly since the US has fallen in the last few years.

People Interaction at Work

The nature of interactions of workers could be termed as being among the admirable interactions. First, there is a great concern on how people talk to each other at the work place to connote respect. People from my country Dominican Republic regard respect from their colleagues highly and in interactions, they are keen to observe the nature of treatment that they are accorded by their fellow workmates. The interactions are fascinating in such a way that even the bosses show high levels of respect for their junior staff members. One of the elements to determine the level of respect accorded to someone at the workplace by the people in my home county Dominican Republic is through greetings. According to the culture of my home country, greeting someone whom you are meeting for the first time in the day connotes respect and love. Obviously, everyone wants to be respected as a sign of love. For a healthy relationship and coexistence at the workplace, it is advisable that the workers embrace the culture of greetings to embrace love and peace among the workers. To reinforce this culture among the people or rather the workers, this begins with the top management of the business organizations in the country. They don’t commence any meetings without greeting the members at the meeting places (temporary reversal of the recovery,2021).

Besides the norm of greetings among the workers, there is that of responding to situations. In my home country, people prefer to use a polite language that could not offend the recipient of the information or the comments being made. They would rather say, “That is a very nice idea, but” whenever they want to disagree with an idea since they have to be polite. Stating no, for no sounds rude according to them and they would rather use a politer language to prevent the recipient party being offended. Someone in my home country would rather state that you are trying than telling you directly that your efforts are not really impressive.

In Japan, greetings are a major concern and this resonates with the situation in my home county since as seen in the above, it connotes respect and love among the workers. This being the same case as in Japan, workers and the management don’t have to worry about making adjustments in this area of business operations. However, Japanese are less conservative with how they approach issues and when they are giving comments about situations. They would tell you in the face that they don’t like your products and services, contrary to the people of my home country who may find this alien and disturbing in their business environments. It is, therefore, in the interest of the ASF management to make an adjustments and realize a disparity in their culture and that of the Japanese (temporary reversal of the recovery,2021).

Actionable Solutions to Conflicts

Use Exportation Method

This is the most perfect method of entering the Japanese market while avoiding the high bureaucracy constraint as mentioned in the above. An entry mode is a choice a business organization must keep in mind while venturing into a new market. Since the Japanese local market imposes too much bureaucracy in setting a business and being allowed to operate, it is wise to avoid setting premises in the country but use the exportation strategy as the perfect entry mode into the country.

Use Franchise Strategy

The tax system in Japan is incredibly costly and time consuming especially for the foreign investors. Entering the market as a franchise would cut off the tedious taxation procedures since the business would be run under the name of a Japanese citizen.


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