question archive Suppose an employer and employee are bargaining over a wage w for a job that produces a payoff of $170,000 - w for the employer and w - $30,000 for the employee

Suppose an employer and employee are bargaining over a wage w for a job that produces a payoff of $170,000 - w for the employer and w - $30,000 for the employee

Subject:EconomicsPrice:2.86 Bought6

Suppose an employer and employee are bargaining over a wage w for a job that produces a payoff of $170,000 - w for the employer and w - $30,000 for the employee. The employee has an outside option of $60,000, and the employer has an outside option of $50,000. If the bargaining weights are 0.45 for the employer and 1-0.45 for the employee, then what is w?


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