question archive CASE You are a real estate analyst who works for Mountain View Realty in the North Utah CoZarea
Subject:MS ExcelPrice:15.99 Bought3
You are a real estate analyst who works for Mountain View Realty in the North Utah CoZarea. You have consolidated a list of houses sold during the past few months and want to analyze the data. For a simple analysis, you will outline the data and use the Subtotal feature. You will then create two PivotTables and a PivotChart to give you a way to perform more in-depth analysis. a. Open e05m1RealEstate and save it as e05m1RealEstate_LastFirst. b. Make sure the Sales Subtotals worksheet is the active sheet and insert the following formulas: • Insert a formula in cell G2 to calculate the selling price percentage of the asking price, format it with Percent Style with 1 decimal place, and then copy the formula down the column. • Insert a formula in cell J2 to calculate the number of days between the listing date and sale date. Copy the formula down the column. c. Sort the list by city in alphabetical order, then by selling agent in alphabetical order, and finally by listing date in chronological order. d. Use the Subtotal feature to calculate the average selling price, percentage of asking price, and days on market by city. e. Apply an automatic outline to the columns and complete the following steps: • Collapse the outline to hide the listing and sale dates. • Click the outline symbol to display the grand average and city average rows only. Format the average days on market to zero decimal places. • Apply wrap text for cells G1 and jl. • Select individually columns G and J and change the column width to 10.00. • Change the row height to 24 for the first row. • Set a print area for the range C1:188. f. Go to cell C101 in the Sales Subtotals worksheet. Read the questions and provide the appropri-ate answers in the respective highlighted cells in the range G102:G106. Apply Accounting Number Format with 0 decimal places to cell G102. g. Click the Sales Data sheet tab and create a blank PivotTable on a new worksheet. Name the new worksheet PivotTable. Name the PivotTable Average City Prices. h. Place the City field in rows, the Selling Agent field in columns, and the Asking Price and Selling Price fields as values. I. Modify the PivotTable by completing the following steps: • Display averages rather than sums with Accounting Number Format with 0 decimal places for the two value fields. • Pivot the data by moving the City field below the Values field in the COLUMNS area and moving the Selling Agents field to ROWS area. • Add a filter in cell B3 to display only Alpine and Cedar Hills. j. Complete the following steps to change the format of the PivotTable: • Change the widths of columns A, B, C, ll, and E to 11. • Change the widths of columns F and G to 14. • Wrap text and center horizontally data in cells B4, D4, F4, and G4. • Apply the Bottom Border to the range B4:E4. • Change the label in cell A5 to Agent. Change the height of row 4 to 40. k. Display the contents on the Sales Data worksheet. You realize that a selling price is incor-rect. Change the selling price for Number 40 from $140,000 to $1,400,000. Refresh the PivotTable. Adjust the column widths to match the instructions in step j. I. Display the contents on the Sales Data worksheet. Create a recommended PivotTable using the Sum of Selling Price by City thumbnail. Change the name of the new PivotTable worksheet to Selling Price. Make these changes to the new PivotTable: • Change the value to display averages not sums. • Apply the Accounting Number Format with 0 decimal places to the values. • Apply Pivot Style Medium 2 to the PivotTable.
m. Create a column PivotChart from the PivotTable on the Selling Price worksheet. Move the chart to a chart sheet named Sales Chart. Complete the following steps for the chart: • Change the chart title to Average Selling Price by City and apply Dark Blue font color. • Remove the legend. • Apply Dark Blue fill color to the data series. n. Create a footer with your name on the left side, the sheet name code in the center, and the file name code on the right side all worksheets. Adjust page scaling if needed. o. Save and close the file.
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