question archive Now that you have had an opportunity to explore ethics formally, create a reflective assessment of your learning experience and the collaborations you engaged in throughout this session

Now that you have had an opportunity to explore ethics formally, create a reflective assessment of your learning experience and the collaborations you engaged in throughout this session

Subject:NursingPrice: Bought3

Now that you have had an opportunity to explore ethics formally, create a reflective assessment of your learning experience and the collaborations you engaged in throughout this session. You will submit both of the following:

  • A written reflection

For the written reflection, address Jane Doe's and respond to the following:

  • Articulate again your moral theory from week eight discussion (You can revise it if you wish). What two ethical theories best apply to it? Why those two?

week 8 discussion :’’The ethical philosophy chosen is utilitarianism. This philosophy is attributable to happiness if identified actions are right or harmful if the actions are considered to be wrong regardless of the prevailing conditions (Sen, 2019). It is meaningful to me since it is focused on contentment. Thus its moral obligation and importance is that it advocates for the satisfaction of the parties involved. The precedents of utilitarianism philosophy entail the following; that happiness of everyone counts uniformly, that actions are right if they result in pleasure otherwise wrong if they render unhappiness and that pleasure is the only thing that matters.

John Doe's involves a fiction scenario tailored at protecting the identity of witnesses in a case. Thus it is a slang name that informally represents the witnesses in a case to prevent them from manipulation by the defendant as their identity is rendered secretive (Smart, 2018). By application of the utilitarianism philosophy, a witness is considered to be happy (contented) if the identity is not revealed before the case for law during prosecution and hence we aspire to gain useful evidence. The morality of the theory revolves around its reliability as its only main obligation is to render witnesses pleasured. However, it might be termed immoral in situations where faithful information is required about every detail of the underlying case since no matter what; identity of the witnesses ought not to be revealed. Thus compromises its integrity.

Veil of ignorance constitutes the ethical reasoning whereby fair ruling is anticipated from a case by denying the parties involved any information that might bias them into suspecting who might benefit more from the ruling(Heen,2020). Thus in John Doe's case, when the identity of the witnesses is hidden, it is hard to identify possible relations of them with the plaintiff or defendant. This makes the judges seek justice independent of any information are sympathy to one of the parties at the expense of the other.’’

  • Apply to Jane Doe's case your personal moral philosophy as developed in week eight discussion and now. Use it to determine if what Jane Doe did was ethical or unethical per your own moral philosophy.
  • Consider if some of these examples are more grave instances of ethical transgressions than others. Explain.
  • Propose a course of social action and a solution by using the ethics of egoism, utilitarianism, the "veil of ignorance" method, deontological principles, and/or a theory of justice to deal with students like  Jane. Consider social values such as those concerning ways of life while appraising the interests of diverse populations (for instance, those of differing religions and economic status).

briefly summarize your feelings about taking a course in Ethics and explore your process of transformation in this course.

  • Discuss your experiences of the course, your beginnings, and where you are now. Consider your interaction in discussions.
  • Should health care workers be required to take a course in Ethics? Why or why not

Writing Requirements (APA format)

  • Length: 3-4 pages (not including title page or references page)
  • 1-inch margins
  • Double spaced
  • 12-point Times New Roman font
  • Title page
  • References page (minimum of 2 scholarly sources)


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