question archive Those involved in human services feel a need to advocate for clients and in matters of social justice

Those involved in human services feel a need to advocate for clients and in matters of social justice

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Those involved in human services feel a need to advocate for clients and in matters of social justice. Sometimes the issues we may encounter at a national or global level can leave us with a sense of being overwhelmed and feeling as if we cannot effect change. Sometimes it’s necessary to acknowledge a professional code of ethics created by professional organizations dedicated to providing education and guidelines on issues related to the fields they encompass. In the case of human services professions within the United States, the National Organization for Human Services fulfills the role and develops a strategy of advocacy for both clients and our communities as a whole. As the bumper sticker often seen notes, the solution to feeling overwhelmed by need is to think globally and act locally. One way of advocating for change is by appealing to officials of influence such as our legislators. Such communications regarding issues of concern can occur individually or through professional organizations and can take the form of letter writing by forming group letter writing campaigns, making use of social media, taking advantage of public forums, making appointments to speak with your representative, and even organizing public demonstrations. This process of appeal has many different goals: changing legislation, supporting new legislation, and swaying of public opinion. Many move into positions of leadership themselves, advocating for their communities. This assignment coaches you through the well-established opportunity of advocating a cause to state legislators through letter writing. Prior to completing this interactive assignment, review your required readings including the article “Advocacy in the Information Age” (Sinden, 2010) and the  Ethical Standards for Human Service Professionals  (Links to an external site.)  listed below:

Ethical Standards for Human Service Professionals

STANDARD 10: Human service professionals provide services without discrimination or preference in regard to age, ethnicity, culture, race, ability, gender, language preference, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, nationality, or other historically oppressed groups.

STANDARD 12: Human service professionals are aware of local, state, and federal laws. They advocate for change in regulations and statutes when such legislation conflicts with ethical guidelines and/or client rights. Where laws are harmful to individuals, groups, or communities, human service professionals consider the conflict between the values of obeying the law and the values of serving people and may decide to initiate social action. STANDARD 13: Human service professionals stay informed about current social issues as they affect clients and communities. If appropriate to the helping relationship, they share this information with clients, groups and communities as part of their work.

Next, find your state representatives and their contact information at (Links to an external site.)

For your initial post, use Microsoft Word to write a letter to your representative or senator using the sections and suggested wording below. Your letter should analyze social policies in order to educate or suggest your sense of intervention that is needed in relation to an important local social issue. Examples might be the need for a particular type of treatment or group home, the need for monies to be directed toward local military veterans, the need for services for developmentally delayed individuals, or the need for outreach to local youth providing educational support services. When done, post your completed letter to the discussion forum.

Suggested Format:

Date Your name Your address Your city, state, aipcode Your email or your phone number The Honorable_________________________ House of Representatives or United States Senate Office Address of Representative or Senator

 Dear Representative/Senator ____________________,

(In your first paragraph, include personal information.)

· State your educational level or your involvement in the concerns of your community.

· State a legislative issue or concern and why it concerns you.

(Include facts.)

· State facts that support your proposed solution or perspective. Use a minimum of two credible sources.

· State what you are asking for.

(Request your representative’s support for legislation.[Insert name of bill or issue here.])

· Specifically request action to be taken in regard to bill and the positive changes that will occur as a result

(Ask for a response.)

· Specifically request a response.

(Summary statement)

· Conclude with a summary statement with potential impact on the area of concern.


  (Signature) Your Name


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