question archive Each of the three parts below must be at least 150 words
Subject:PsychologyPrice: Bought3
Each of the three parts below must be at least 150 words.
1. After reading the article “What is a Disciple” and personally studying and examining the passages in the Bible where Jesus described what it means to follow Him, summarize what it means to follow Christ (i.e., be a disciple). The summary must be modeled after the 3-word approach (Sacrificial, Relational, and Transformational) given near the end of the article; however, DO NOT copy those three words. Provide 3 bolded words that flow from a personal study of the Scripture, which communicate the characteristics of a disciple. These three broad words should essentially cover the idea of what is means to be a disciple. After each bold word, provide a description of how that words captures an aspect of what is means to be a disciple of Jesus is. Begin each description with, “From the Scriptures, a follower of Jesus is someone who…”
2. After reading the article “What is Discipleship” and examining the passages that summarize how to develop followers of Jesus, summarize the process for developing followers of Jesus. The summary will be modeled after the 3-word approach (Intentional, Individual, and Missional) given in the article; however, DO NOT copy those three words. Provide 3 bolded words that flow from a personal study of the Scripture, which communicate the core elements of discipleship. After each bold word, provide a description of how that words captures the process of discipleship. Keep in mind that the article mentioned above is describing the person, and this second article is describing the process. Begin the description with, “The process of developing followers of Jesus involves…”
3. From the article “Growth Group,” explain how you could potentially meet with a few people in your ministry context and help them connect to Christ, connect to one another, and connect to His mission. Be specific, measurable, and practical in this explanation.