question archive Draw the organic product(s) of the following reactions, and include carbon dioxide if it is produced

Draw the organic product(s) of the following reactions, and include carbon dioxide if it is produced

Subject:ChemistryPrice:2.85 Bought3

Draw the organic product(s) of the following reactions, and include carbon dioxide if it is produced. CH3CH2CH2-CEC-H • You do not have to consider stereochemistry. • If a compound is formed more than once, add another sketcher and draw it again. • Draw carbon dioxide in its own sketcher if it is produced. • Separate multiple products using the + sign from the drop-down menu. • If no reaction occurs, draw the organic starting material. + CP ChemDoodle
Draw the major organic product(s) of the following reaction. 1 eq. NaNH ,NH3(1) CH3CH2CH2CH2-Br H-CEC-H • You do not have to consider stereochemistry. • Separate multiple products using the + sign from the drop-down menu. • If no reaction occurs, draw the organic starting material. ChemDoodle
Draw the organic product(s) of the following reaction, including counter-ions. NaNH, NH3(I) CH3 H2C-C-CEC-H CH3 • You do not have to consider stereochemistry. • Include cationic counter-ions, e.g., Na+ in your answer, but draw them in their own sketcher. • Separate multiple products using the + sign from the drop-down menu. • If no reaction occurs, draw the organic starting material. C-@-W OOO - ChemDoodle

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