question archive While working on her bike, Amanita turns it upside down and givesthe front wheel a counterclockwise spin

While working on her bike, Amanita turns it upside down and givesthe front wheel a counterclockwise spin

Subject:PhysicsPrice:2.85 Bought3

While working on her bike, Amanita turns it upside down and givesthe front wheel a counterclockwise spin. It spins at approximatelyconstant speed for a few seconds. During this portion of themotion, she records the x and y positions and velocities, as wellas the angular position and angular velocity, for the point on therim designated by the yellow-orange dot in the figure.(Figure1)
Let the origin of the coordinate system be at the center of thewheel, the positive x direction to the right, the positive yposition up, and the positive angular position counterclockwise.The graphs (figure 2) begin when the point if at the indicatedposition. One graph may be the correct answer to more than onepart1. Which of the graphs corresponds to x position versustime?

2. Which of the graphs corresponds to angular position versustime?

3. Which of the graphs corresponds to y velocity versustime?

4. Which of the following graphs corresponds to angular velocityversus time?

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