question archive 1) Both Young Goodman Brown and Rip Van Winkle go on a journey (of sorts)

1) Both Young Goodman Brown and Rip Van Winkle go on a journey (of sorts)

Subject:HistoryPrice: Bought3

1) Both Young Goodman Brown and Rip Van Winkle go on a journey (of sorts). Compare at least one specific aspect of their journeys that is similar. Compare at least one specific aspect of their journeys that is different. In each case, explain how each character is changed by his journey.


  • 300 words minimum (excluding quotations and citations)
  • Include two properly integrated and cited direct quotations (one from each story) to support your claims. See the Literary Analysis Tools Module from this week's activities for information about integrating and citing quotations.

2- This week's creative assignment is "What if...?" What if the time period of "Neighbour Rosicky" were changed to contemporary society?  Write a 550-word creative response in which you rewrite one of the following scenes. Assume the setting is contemporary.

  1. The opening conversation between Rosicky and Dr. Burleigh in Part I.
  2. The scene between Polly, Rudolph, and Rosicky in Part IV.

Assignment Requirements:Your submission must: 

  • include a minimum of 550 words, written in paragraph form. 
  • be written in the third-person point of view (academic voice).
  • be double spaced.  A title page, running head, and abstract are not required.
  • be submitted as a Microsoft Word attachment on the submission page (click title above).  Assignments not submitted in this way may be returned to you ungraded.


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