question archive MUST BE ORIGINAL WORK 750 words
Subject:SociologyPrice: Bought3
750 words. You pick the article. Any religion.
Goal: The goal of this assignment is for the student to analyze a current affairs article about a religion and discuss its economic impact.
Throughout your studies in World Religions, you have been introduced to a variety of religious worldviews that are impacting a society and the marketplace in a variety of ways that can be both positive and negative for a community. The task for your Week #5 Project is to write a Current Affairs Worldview Essay that demonstrates the contemporary application as to how and in what ways a particular religion is impacting a society's economy and marketplace today. You will want to research articles that clearly reference specific financial data including special financial studies and reports, profit/loss reports, Gross National Products (GNP), and financial percentages that are being generated for a particular locale as the result of a religion that we have or will study only in this class.
An example of a possible title for such an article might be this: ("Study Finds Islamic Sholat Reducing Saudi Arabia GNP"). Here, the specific locale is Saudi Arabia - the religion impacted is Islam - the issue is that the time Muslims spend in daily prayer (Sholat) results in a financial loss of production for time away reducing Saudi Arabia's GNP by 2% annually. Your article should highlight clear financial data as opposed to generalizations. (Ex: in the above article it points out that lost production in Saudi Arabia resulted in a 2% loss to the Gross National Product (GNP) or a loss of 3 trillion US dollars over last year.)
The key to this assignment is to think outside of the box and use your critical thinking skills to practically apply the course materials on religion and transfer that thinking in such a way to consider how a religion might impact the economy? If you have trouble finding an article or resource, you can always "Contact a Librarian" from the APUS Trefry Library who will be able to assist you.
Note that this is not a research essay where you seek out a variety of resources to highlight your topic. Here, you are to focus on just one (1) single article and offer your review of it in terms of a summary of the content and your personal application of it for your study of world religions. (See the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's Book Review Handout for detailed information and examples.) There should only be one (1) resource listed in your Works Cited page.
Your essay should include the following and should have a publication date of 5 years or less:
Be sure to use good writing and mechanical techniques and include the use of academically approved Citation Formats with in-text citations and a resource page to identify your resource and avoid plagiarism